The contest is open to residents of Canada and the US only who are over the age of majority. The prize is a coffee and muffin or bagel at a Tim Hortons location near me.
You are responsible for your own transportation to get there and YOU have to clear Customs if you are a non-resident. Good luck on that. [Note I reserve the right to eat and drink your prize if you are late!]
The skill-testing question is: how much money has been wasted so far on useless border work.
The questions:
1) What is missing from this website
2) Why
All responses will be posted (provided that the language is appropriate for family viewing). The one with the closet correct answer wins.
Since no one else follows the rules in relation to the border matter, neither will I! Therefore, my arbitrary decision is final!
Just to give you some background:
- "The Surface Infastructure Programs Directorate (Bridges) is the focal point for the government's involvement in Canada's bridges.
The Directorate monitors issues and developments with respect to:
1) international structures that are owned and/or operated either privately or by federal authorities;
2) interprovincial structures owned and/or operated by other federal departments or provincial governments; and
3) provincial or municipal structures owned and/or operated
by provincial or local governments.
International Structures
Blue Water Bridge (Point Edward, Ontario - Port Huron, Michigan)
Clair, New Brunswick - Fort Kent, Maine Bridge
Detroit - Windsor Tunnel (Windsor, Ontario - Detroit, Michigan)
Edmundston, New Brunswick - Madawaska, Maine Bridge
Lewiston - Queenston Bridge (Queenston, Ontario - Lewiston, New York)
Ogdensburg - Prescott Bridge (Prescott, Ontario - Ogdensburg, New York)
Peace Bridge (Fort Erie, Ontario - Buffalo, New York)
Pigeon River Bridge (Thunder Bay, Ontario - Duluth Minnesota)
Rainbow Bridge (Niagara Falls, Ontario - Niagara Falls, New York)
Saint Leonard, New Brunswick - Van Buren, Maine Bridge
Sault Ste. Marie International Bridge (Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario - Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan)
Seaway International Bridge (Cornwall, Ontario - Rooseveltown, New York)
St. Croix, New Brunswick - Vanceboro, Maine Bridge
Thousand Islands Bridge System (Ivy Lea, Landsdowne, Ontario - Collins Landing, Alexandria Bay, New York)
Whirlpool Rapids Bridge (Niagara Falls, Ontario - Niagara Falls, New York)
A reader writes:
I can even answer the skill testing question. With my pinky finger on the edge of my mouth, and in the voice of the bad guy from the movie Austin Powers, "millions"
A reader writes:
Answer: the Ambassador Bridge, cause it has nothing to do with any government. Where's my donut?
JoeBlog responds:
Better answer needed on the "why"
It is the "why" answer that separates the men (and women) from the donuts!
The previous reader writes:
I might get back to you. I need to figure out if really want a donut.
JoeBlog responds:
I did NOT say donut but a healthy muffin or bagel! I look after my reader's health too
A reader writes:
The omission is the Ambassador Bridge, but that is too easy.
Quite curious – the busiest international bridge omitted, but surely just an oversight … couldn’t be because they do not yet own the Ambassador.
This is no doubt designed to make the evil bridge owners envious of not making the prestigious Transport Canada list.
A reader writes:
Of course the Ambassador Bridge is missing from this website but someone already got that.
The why? because it is owned by a private company and owners don't waste their money on useless studies. They know what needs to be done and to save money in the process not waste it.
PS: and they won't build another crossing unless it is needed.
A reader writes:
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