The Editorial was about:
- "The union representing outside workers at City Hall has launched a well-meaning but misguided effort to aid Brentwood Recovery Home, which is struggling financially and been forced to slash its valued services as a result. "
The amount involved was $1,372 with a maximum of around $13,000 for an institution that is providing an important service to the Community.
Some might say that a Council that thinks nothing of spending money for an arena that they has not been priced out yet and for which $3-5 million will have to be borrowed for interim financing to help out the private enterprise Windsor Spitfires (never mind the deals on the Canderel leases to private companies and the cheap Keg parking rates) should be able to find a thousand or so dollars especially since they have quadrupled their line of credit to $100 million to please some bond raters.
Do not expect the Council to approve the request. After all, didn't the elderly Huron Lodge occupants see their Tylenol budget cut at budget time by $1,000 to save pennies? And do not be too hard on the Star either. In this case, it is at least being consistent. In August, 2003, the Star was the leader in opposing a donation to Hospice.
But you, dear reader, should know by now that there is more involved than that. Otherwise, why would I write a BLOG about the matter.
No, this Editorial is designed for a different purpose. It will provide Eddie and then his Councillor buddies the excuse to turn down the University of Windsor when they come calling shortly for money for the Unviersity's fund-raising campaign. "We will get crucified if we give you money but not Brentwood" will be their cry. "The Star will hammer us...After all, it is only four years until the next election!"
Eddie talked out of both sides of his mouth during his Inaugural speech concerning the University:
- "And we are very fortunate here in Windsor, to have two incubators of skilled people right in our city: St. Clair College, and the University of Windsor.
Already, great things have happened between the college, university and the automotive sector when it comes to R&D and skills training.
But we can – and must – do more.
Our University is such an important asset – one that many communities would love to have. And the time has come for the University of Windsor to achieve more, and to do more, when it comes to achieving excellence...
The University of Windsor has so much opportunity and potential. The time has come for it to join the ranks of the truly great universities in this province and in this country.
This, too, is largely beyond our City Council’s control."
Make the University a success Dr.Paul to help out the City and make it prosper. But don't look to Council to help!
Eddie is facing a difficult challenge. In the Star, it was said that
- "Education key to city's future: University, St. Clair College focus on research...If there's light at the end of the dark economic tunnel, much of it shines on the University of Windsor and St. Clair College.
The region's two post-secondary institutions are being viewed as "beacons of light" in the quest to navigate the economy through treacherous waters."
So how does Eddie skate around this one? It's so easy. The Star story said as well:
- "The heavy-truck R & D centre came to fruition through a series of partnerships involving Ottawa, the Ontario government, the U of W and the city, adds Francis. The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade coughed up $32-million, while the city contributed a grant of $70,000 to the university, he says.
Government incentives will have to be even more enticing in the future, says Francis, who has held discussions on the matter with Sandra Pupatello, Windsor-West MPP and the new Minister of Economic Development and Trade.
"The time has come now where southwestern Ontario requires the same type of action, incentives, such as wage subsides and training dollars given to other regions trying to attract jobs and investment. Sault Ste. Marie, for example, gets all training costs paid for because it is part of a Northern Ontario program. Sandra and I have talked about the opportunity for us to work together to create a similar type of program for this area."
All of the focus for fund-raising will be directed to Sandra and the Province. After all, funding Universitites is their legal responsibility, not Windsor's. It should be up to the Province not the poor City to help out.
It's a win-win for Eddie. If Sandra gives money, he wins because he will be positioned as the Unviersity's champion. (Remember how "frustrated" our Mayor said he was about the University right after his speech). If she refuses, he wins because she will be positioned as not helping her home-town in its time of economic crisis.
Sandra does not dare say no does she. After all, she has been slammed by Gord Henderson several times already and can she stand another blow given the upcoming election. After all, her opponent running as a candidate for the Tories may well be the Mayor!
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