Quite a difference in the drawings don't you think! One wipes out part of Sandwich while the other two stay within the bounds of the existing bridge plaza footprint. No wonder there is confusion out there and fear.
Here is the gist of the so-called Canadian opposition to the Ambassador Bridge's enhancement program as outlined in the Detroit Free Press:
- "The bridge company also faces opposition from Windsor residents who want to protect their community's historic roots. They say they don't want the century-old buildings and graveyards that dot the neighborhood surrounding the Ambassador Bridge to fall victim to the whims of a private company...
On a recent tour of Sandwich Town, Jones and Cuderman pointed out the neighborhood highlights they want to protect: a 156-year-old Baptist church that was one of the last stops on the Underground Railroad, complete with the tunnel still intact; Cuderman's 200-year-old home that doubles as her bakeshop, and a smattering of century-old churches, homes and graveyards."
Apparently Ms. Cuderman's 200-year-old home is two blocks from the bridge. Here is a picture of its exact location and some distances I measured to the bridge. Two blocks sounds a lot closer doesn't it.
Now I have a problem. It's a shame that all of the West end polticos and activists have not looked at the Bridge Co.'s plans in close detail. Ms. Cuderman's response to their animation was that it was not "professional." Councillor Jones must be afraid to do so as well.
After all, isn't he the Councillor in Ward 2 where the Ambassador Bridge is located. His Ward-mate has so far been invisible, not even speaking at Council on the Tunnel motion. He and Councillor Postma could have expressed an interest to the Mayor to attend a meeting to obtain the information first-hand so that they would know what they are talking about. But so far they have not done so!
It's so much easier to feed the fear of residents isn't it.
Or if you are DRIC, you can create a drawing showing how Sandwich would be wiped out by the so-called Bridge Co. plaza, a plaza which the company never promoted! And then use that as one of the reasons for kicking them out of the DRIC process.
Take a look at the DRIC photo above. Frankly, if I lived in Sandwich I would be very upset about what I saw.
Take a second look above at the Bridge Co. drawings which shows its reality and its proposal that was presented to Governmental authorities on both sides of the river. It is NOT misinformation or someone else's concept of what they wanted to do.
If you are not yet one of the approximately 10,000 people who have already viewed their animation, go to and in the Search box insert "ambassador bridge"Here is how the Ambassador Bridge handled the issue respecting the DRIC drawing. Have you seen their position reported widely anywhere? Here is the letter that the Bridge Co. sent out in November, 2005.
I also enclose the admission by the Ontario Government in an "undated" letter that I believe was sent out months later:
Please explain to me what is being achieved by the spread of misinformation. I am having a lot of trouble seeing which "community's historic roots"are being impacted by the Bridge Co. plans. Ms. Cuderman's home is still safe and her business is untouched. If DRIC chooses the Sterling Fuels site within Sandwich, what would Ms. Cuderman then ask for? Would she then support the Bridge' Co.'s plans?
If there are legitimate complaints against what the Bridge Co. is doing, tell them so they can take immediate steps to mitigate any adverse impacts. That is the job of a Councillor, and of a Mayor. Not to refuse to look.
If it is nothing more than a personal vendetta against an individual, then the economies of North America and of Windsor-Detroit in particular cannot afford this childishness!
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