Did you see that exciting press release from the City of Windsor about the one charter flight from Mexicana airlines. I wonder how many new staff they had to hire at the airport to deal with this huge influx in business.
- "Growing Activity at Windsor Airport
In the past seasonal workers were typically flown to Toronto and then they travelled to Windsor by bus. Starting in January, Mexicana Airlines has agreed to revive its Mexico-to-Windsor charter to facilitate the quick transfer of migrant workers coming from Mexico to Essex County.
“We gladly welcome this new commercial activity at the airport,” said Mayor Eddie Francis. “This will increase airport revenue and benefit our regional community and agricultural sector.”
“It is exciting to be part of this mutually beneficial partnership between Canada and our Mexican neighbours and further supports our need to expand operations into Mexico for leisure charters” said Federica Nazzani, Airport General Manager Your Quick Gateway (Windsor) Inc. The inaugural flight of this new partnership will arrive at Windsor Airport on Wednesday, January 30th, and plans are in the works to see more flights like this in the future."
Wow, "plans are in the works." Now that's business development talk folks that we can feel good about eh! It's almost like saying that a compny is coming here with jobs but we cannot tell you more because of confidentiality concerns or we are going overseas:
- "to lure unnamed cargo and food distribution warehouse operations to Windsor's airport.
He said the airport could be a centre where products from around the world are handled, stored and shipped out to final destinations."
I wonder whether this means that Eddie and Frederica will now have to travel to Mexico City together to build on the results, whatever they are since we've never been told, of their taxpayer all-expenses paid trip to Germany. I would suggest that they go now when the weather is cold so they can explain to our new Mexican friends what kind of clothes they will need for Canada and perhaps they could take examples of parkas, scarves, gloves, sweaters and boots with them. Why it might take a week or two or in the sunshine for them to do all of that.
I think they could teach people in Moncton, New Brunswick as well a thing or two about Airport development and how to bring in business. I just happened to see this story about what they're doing in Moncton. We of course have had this program since 1993. Just look at how successful our Airport operation is. Why it is so successful that we have to make a big deal about one single solitary charter flight:
- "Moncton airport approved for transshipment program
OTTAWA, Ont. -- The Greater Moncton International Airport has received approval to participate in the international air cargo transshipment program. The program simplifies air carrier access to the airport for air cargo transshipment, allowing the airport to seek new market opportunities and further develop its air cargo transshipment activity.
"Our government is pleased to have the international air cargo transshipment program in place," said the Honourable Lawrence Cannon, Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities. "The Greater Moncton International Airport now has an additional tool to help develop its air cargo business, which will benefit the local economy."
The international air cargo transshipment program allows air cargo to be moved through Canada for shipment to third countries. For example, cargo could be flown from the US into Moncton, stored temporarily, and then flown to a European destination. Similarly, international air cargo could also arrive from overseas and then be shipped by rail or road from Moncton to the US.
"Our economy and our standard of living still depend heavily on exports and imports. Last year alone we exported $458 billion worth of merchandise and imported another $404 billion," said the Honourable Greg Thompson, Minister of Veterans Affairs and Minister responsible for New Brunswick. "This announcement we are making today is another signal to our trading partners that Canada is open for business. This program will improve the flow of goods and provide major economic benefits to the Greater Moncton area and the rest of the country."
"We are extremely pleased that the Canadian Government and in particular, Transport Canada, has recognized the Greater Moncton International Airport as an official air cargo transshipment centre," said Rob Robichaud, president and CEO of Greater Moncton International Airport. "This announcement supports our goal of growing our air cargo presence internationally. We thank all levels of government and our many public and private sector partners for supporting the Greater Moncton International Airport with this very important initiative."
The program enables the Canadian Transportation Agency to authorize any Canadian or foreign air carrier to use Greater Moncton International Airport to transship international air cargo, even if these rights are not provided in Canada's bilateral air transport agreements. In addition, air carriers will be able to combine such cargo transshipments with other services for which they may be licensed.
Cargo security is addressed during the application process, and on an ongoing basis, in the context of broader security monitoring by Transport Canada and the operational activities of the Canada Border Services Agency.
The international air cargo transshipment program was introduced in 1982 at Mirabel Airport as part of a larger effort to improve the use of Montreal area airports. It has since been expanded to other airports, including Hamilton (1987), Windsor (1993), Gander (2000), Winnipeg (2004), Edmonton (2006) and Calgary (2007). The program is also being introduced at the Vancouver International Airport and at the Abbotsford International Airport.
During the course of its international air policy review, Transport Canada determined that Canadian airports should be given the freedom to attract cargo transshipment activity where there are market opportunities, in line with its new market-oriented Blue Sky international air policy."
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