One person almost lost his job yesterday, almost. Whew, Eddie's job was on the line!
So Eddie's agenda had to dominate the discussion at the Joint City/County Councils meeting. Why it was just like Eddie's still unfinished Tunnel deal that dominated the first Joint Councils meeting in Detroit.
For the rest of you with no job or a mortgage about to be foreclosed, why you can just wait until he figures out how to move you out of town! Heck, the unemployment rate comes down too. A Two-fer too.
That meeting in Detroit was 2 years ago. Is that the time period for Jobs Today to really start!
On Monday, Eddie's State of the City Speech identified his, Council's and our main priority:
So Eddie's agenda had to dominate the discussion at the Joint City/County Councils meeting. Why it was just like Eddie's still unfinished Tunnel deal that dominated the first Joint Councils meeting in Detroit.
For the rest of you with no job or a mortgage about to be foreclosed, why you can just wait until he figures out how to move you out of town! Heck, the unemployment rate comes down too. A Two-fer too.
That meeting in Detroit was 2 years ago. Is that the time period for Jobs Today to really start!
On Monday, Eddie's State of the City Speech identified his, Council's and our main priority:
- "Let there be no mistake. Creating jobs, and re-invigorating our local economy, has to be the number one priority of Windsor City Council.
And it has to become this community’s collective and shared responsibility.Bringing jobs and prosperity, to continue positioning Windsor for success in the new economy, must be at the heart of each of our decisions.More jobs for Windsorites has to be our primary goal.
Look for "Jobs Today" on Wednesday's Joint Councils agenda. NOT THERE!
- Essex County and Windsor City Councils Hold Special Joint Meeting
A Special Joint Meeting of Essex County/Windsor City Councils will be held on Wednesday, March 19th, 2008 4:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Essex County Civic Centre, Council Chambers, 360 Fairview Avenue West, Essex, Ontario N8M 1Y6.
Meeting Agenda:
1. Call to Order
2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest
3. Opening Remarks by Warden Nelson Santos and Mayor Eddie Francis
4. Business Items:
a) Discussion on Regional Transit
b) Discussion on Regional Tourism
c) Discussion on Border Issues
d) Discussion on other Regional Opportunities
e) Future Meeting Dates
5. By-laws: Confirmatory By-law – County of Essex, Confirmatory By-law – City of Windsor
6. Adjournment
What did they actually discuss at the Wednesday Meeting. Jobs Today? NOT THERE!
- "The debate over GreenLink dominated the first meeting of city and county councils during this term of office. The joint meeting was extended an extra two hours to give Francis time to make a full presentation about GreenLink and allow the county to debate a motion of support.
Discussion about regional transit and Francis' proposed $100-million job creation fund were deferred to a future joint meeting."
Jobs Today just became Jobs Tomorrow!
The unemployed and about to be foreclosed can wait until he next meeting whenever that is. Eddie's job is safe! His position is secure now that Greenlink was supported. Now we know what priority means when it comes to employment.
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