Thursday, October 29, 2009

Aviva Community Fund Competition---Vote NOW!

Hi ED, Could you please help us by posting to your blog or sharing with friends the following info?

We have a show that has been touring and we proudly represent Windsor wherever we perform. There is a competition for funding from Aviva and we are sitting around the top 50 out of 530 or more submissions. We are the top 5 in the 'most discussed' idea. And ranked 2nd most votes in our category, competing next to Vancouver.

We highlight the Capitol Theatre and chronicle some of Windsor's history....another good reason for support (besides the important message the show delivers about bipolar disorder ).

On the link page, find 'register' then cast your vote at the link again.

Registering is just your name and email and takes but a mere moment.Time well spent in the grand scheme of things. Thank you in a big way!

There are only 2 days left to make a difference after today and the big cities are smoking us!

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