Friday, December 4, 2009

EH-Channel Exclusive: DRIC Bridge Delayed Again

Daryl Newcombe just did a news report on the 6 PM Eh-Channel news that said that the DRIC Bridge which was supposed to be finished in 2013, then 2015 will now not be completed until the end of 2016 and perhaps later.

Realistically now, can it ever be built? Or is the plot to force Matty Moroun out at a low-ball price, that DRIC has appeared to be, now brutally apparent! Has the Governments' bluff finally been called by reality!

It is likely that workers will now not be needed until mid-2011 according to Newcombe. Hardly good news for those who were hoping for an income soon. And more bad news for struggling businesses.

The obvious answer: build the Ambassador Bridge Company's Enhancement Project Bridge now before this region is completely devastated economically by the unthinking and uncaring bureaucrats and politicians!

It is now clear that no respectable investment grade traffic survey can demonstrate to Michigan legislators that traffic can grow to justify the building of the DRIC bridge in the foreseeable future.

It is also clear that there can be no P3 for the DRIC bridge because of the financial melt-down.

Michigan should kill the DRIC Project now! Why wait until June.

President Obama and the Michigan Governor should have talked at the recent State dinner about how to get Canada to stop being so stupid! If Michigan wants jobs and $2B in federal matching grants, the solution is the Governor's first priority, building the Enhancement Project, but for Canada!

MDOT should be ashamed! Seantor Cropsey was right all along.

One call from the President to our PM would end the absurd stalemate quickly.

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