Thursday, March 30, 2006

Two Headlines Today

I tell you what. YOU, dear reader, write the BLOG today! I'll let you figure out what to say about this.

By the way, there is a bigger story in here than the headlines. Let's see if you can guess what that is too. More to come about that next week.

Interesting, a previously unknown $30,000 for the Mayor? Is it time for the long-delayed forensic audit of City Hall if money can be lost so easily? Or was there newly found "wiggle room?"

Where is Councillor Budget now and why didn't our financial expert catch this? He should be fuming!

Council salaries balloon
Roseann Danese, Windsor Star, Thursday, March 30, 2006

Thanks to payments from Enwin and the Windsor Utilities Commission, city councillors received a 22.9 per cent pay hike last year, boosting their salaries by $8,601.

Meanwhile, Mayor Eddie Francis earned about $30,000 that was not previously disclosed for his work with the public utilities. He made about $141,583 in 2005.

Income gap growing in Windsor
Area has Ontario's highest median income, but more people standing in food lines
Anne Jarvis, Windsor Star, Thursday, March 30, 2006

The gap between the rich and the poor in Windsor -- a city known for its social activism -- is larger than the national income gap and growing, according to the first Windsor and Essex County Well-Being Report by the United Way.

The after-tax income of the highest earners was 12.9 times that of the lowest earners, according to the report, which uses Statistics Canada figures from 2000.

1 comment:

JoeBlog said...

A reader writes:

Do I get a prize if I get it right?

Headline # 1: The Windsor Star is dropping Eddie Francis

Headline # 2: Enwin is in trouble