The right of citizens to access government-held information is essential in order to hold elected and appointed officials accountable to the people they serve. This is particularly true for details of government expenditures and the right of the public to scrutinize how tax money is being spent.When government organizations use individuals or companies in the private sector to help develop, produce or provide government programs or services, the public should not lose its right to access this information.
Any government office planning on hiring a consultant, contractor, etc., should make it clear to that future agent that the default position is that the financial and all other pertinent information related to the contract will be made available to the public, except in rare cases where there are very unusual reasons not to do so.
The need for public accountability in the expenditure of public funds is a very important reason why information about such contracts needs to be kept in the public view. All government organizations should make this clear – up front – when seeking outside help.
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