No wonder we are getting nowhere on the border in Windsor. Here it is in plain English:
- "I will say with public-private partnerships we open it to anybody who can qualify," said Catherine Loubier, a spokeswoman for Transport Minister Cannon. "But I can't tell you anything more because the project is non-existent so far."
So if the project does not exist, what has been happening here for the past eternity involving the Bi-National partnership, DRIC and the millions of dollars spent.
Shouldn't someone tell the Minister! Perhaps if he talked to some of the proponents, or rather if his staff allowed him to do so and not hid him from public view, or if he actually visited Windsor (Ontario Minister Cansfield can tell him how to get here), then we might have some resolution here.
Oh I forgot, there are votes to capture in Quebec first.
I am sure that you saw the story "Passenger hit by glass after rocks strike bus." We learned that "Transit Windsor supervisor Ken Lew... said rocks are regularly thrown at buses travelling the routes near Mic Mac Park and it's probably costing us thousands."
So why do anything right. Mr. Lew's comments may certainly help the injured party's lawyer get a massive settlement for gross negligence!
Geez Alan, you are sounding like Councillor Lewenza who told us next year's post-election budget will mean higher taxes or a reduction in services when everyone else was telling us how well-off we were.
A classic statement "Of course there's a monetary interest here," Chairman Heil of the Windsor Heritage Committee said. "Any property owner has a natural inclination towards maximizing monetary value."
Sure, who cares if the Nuns "could... lose the highest bid for Holy Rosary Convent."
How nice of the Heritage Committee and Council to "expropriate" without compensation. But then again, isn't that what the Senior Levels want to do with the Ambassador Brisdge's business! Our Council is learning from the best
Only in Windsor, Pity!
"Dennis Archer, speaking at the 130th annual Windsor & District Chamber of Commerce annual general meeting, said that "neither community should run away from its strength in the auto industry but it is in our collective best interests to diversify and seek alternative industries."
Mr. ex-Mayor, we have started a snow-cleaning business that we offered to Detroit during Super Bowl. Does that count?
Did Dwight lose his bet after all? Now he did hedge his bet. After all he claimed that the $400-million Casino Windsor expansion will eventually win back U.S. gamblers lost because of a falling Canadian dollar, border delays and new anti-smoking bylaw
Here is what Dwight Duncan, our MPP and Cabinet Minister, said though about initial problems,
- "It will be an initially short-term decline, but things will pick up. In six months, we'll see who's right and who's wrong...we will monitor this very carefully."
I think YOU were wrong Dwight so it's time to pay up for Windsor. After all, the next Provincial election is coming up soon and you don't want Eddie running against you do you?
Will we ever learn the truth about Enwin?
CKLW reported that "Enwin Powerlines and Enwin Utilities are merging into one company. The move will not mean a loss of jobs but Mayor Eddie Francis expects there to be as much as $500,000 a year in savings through lower administration costs."
I wonder why this had to be reported only AFTER the election along with news such as the big losses at Windsor Airport
Todays Trucking magazine seems to be the border Leakor's favourite media outlet. You remember that the magazine has received stories that no other media outlet has so that they can publish it so people like me will get the story quickly and recirculate it. That's the Leakor's favourite method of distribution.
The online version posted a story the other day about Minister Cannon and his P3 remarks. Just like with the Windsor Star, one must read right to the end to get the real juicy bit and there it was:
- "Cannon added that Ottawa intends to complement a potential P3 arrangement with pending legislation -- Bill C-3 -- that would give Ottawa more power over the construction, maintenance, sale, and operation of private international bridges and tunnels.
"The International Bridges and Tunnels Act establishes a modern and streamlined legislative framework that provides clarity and certainty…," he said.
The Ambassador Bridge, which currently is the only commercial bridge crossing connecting Windsor and Detroit, is one of only two privately owned crossings between Canada and the U.S.
The Detroit International Bridge Co. -- which is moving ahead with plans to twin the Ambassador -- could also be a contender to work with the federal government on a P3.
I don't remember anyone saying that before about a Government/Bridge Co. arrangement. In fact the Globe and Mail on the 21st, the same day as the Todays Trucking story, had said "the name of Manuel (Matty) Moroun, owner of the Ambassador Bridge, was conspicuously absent from talk about a new partnership."
Was someone correcting an error? Was someone signalling to the Bridge Co. that the Department did not want to fight but wanted to engage in some dialogue? Remember what Matthew Moroun said at the Commons hearings on Bill C-3:
- "To that end, we are not suggesting that the Ambassador Bridge go it alone. That would be a ridiculous statement and an ignorant one. We are asking this committee, and especially Transport Canada, to please put down your sword, set this legislation aside, and instead engage in meaningful dialogue, not just at a very formal hearing to discuss the legalese of this legislation, but rather to discuss and brainstorm and cooperate with one another toward an even more successful Ambassador Bridge for the advantage of the operation, the government, and the public. "
Can we actually now hope that some talking might really begin! Perhaps we might have something for which to be "thankful."
Be careful if you drink the water at City Hall. The Medical Officer of Health must immediately quarantine the City Hall water supply until the source of contamination is found. We are seeing incredible attacks of loss of memory.
Why only the other day, the Mayor lost his photographic memory. He said as I quoted yesterday
- "Mayor Eddie Francis said he didn't remember whether the Spitfires document contained a confidentiality clause. "I don't recall,"
As for Councillor Gignac, she said
- "What I do remember is we got what I consider to be a fair bargain for the residents."
And in today's Star:
- "The city's chief administrative officer John Skorobohacz said he wasn't sure if the agreements to sublease the city's space in the building contained confidentiality clauses. Several councillors however, confirmed they did."
Even the Star editors are aware of it:
- "There are several disturbing aspects regarding the city's secret deal with the Windsor Spitfires, including the memory lapse of Mayor Eddie Francis...Thankfully, a few councillors have filled in the gap in the mayor's memory to explain a disconcerting process that has left taxpayers in the dark...A mechanism already exists to determine what information should and shouldn't be public. It's called the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Francis and city councillors should commit it to memory. To make sure they don't forget it, they should post it on their fridge."
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