So you wanted to work as a spy. You wanted to be a "00" agent, licensed to do whatever it is you wanted to do. You were mysterious and secretive, always looking over your shoulder, practising judo holds, keeping up-to-date with the latest gadgets.
How about that job that you always wanted...the career move that said you made it, that you had arrived. You were now going to be head honcho with a key to the "Executive" Washroom and the right to eat in the private dining room and with all of the perks that went along with it.
Remember the loan application for your first mortgage for your dream home. That snotty bank manger looking down his/her nose at you, wondering whether you could actually afford the monthly payments on YOUR salary, asking if you really wanted a home that big, and was a pool really needed and was your spouse sure that he/she would not be laid off.
Well, dear reader, if you thought that CSIS wanted to know your background or that a resume was tough to fill out or a mortgage application wanted to know your history, you ain't seen nothing yet!
Below is a game show application for the Howie Mandel TV Game Show "Deal or No Deal." If you can complete that, then everything else in life is a snap!
Name: *
Home Phone: *
Cell Phone/ Pager:
Alternate Phone:
E-mail Address: *
Permanent Street Address: *
City: *
Province: *
Country: *
Postal Code : *
I check my e-mail often: Yes No *
How did you hear about the casting? Select Option TV Radio Newspaper
If Other, please explain:
* 1. Who is your current employer? What is your occupation? (What job pays your bills now?)
* 2. What levels of education have you completed? (please specify school and major):
High School University or College or Other (Check all that apply)
School(s) Major(s) Year Graduated
* 3. If you do not make the show, what will be the next milestone in your life?:
* 4. Please check all those that apply:
Married Divorced Boyfriend/Girlfriend Single Engaged
How long have you been in your current relationship?
* 5. What would your friends say are your best qualities?
* 6. What would your friends say are your worst qualities?
* 7. How are you competitive in your everyday life?
* 8. What pets do you own now or have you owned at any time in the past?
* 9. What is your unique and personal motivation for wanting to be on the show?
* 10. Who is the most important person in your life that you have lost touch with?
* 11. Who do you live with and for how long have you lived with them?
* 12. Please list your last 3 jobs:
* 13. What is the most daring and dangerous thing you have ever done? Describe the circumstances
* 14. If you were going to be in People magazine, what inside info about you would be next to your picture?
* 15. Describe your most embarrassing moment.
* 16. What is the weirdest thing about you?
* 17. Where would you take your dream vacation?
* 18. If you had Aladdin's lamp and 3 wishes, what would you wish for? (Rule: you can't wish for money or more wishes)
* 19. In the lines below, write a short poem or rap about yourself.
* 20. If you won what would be the first thing you would do with your winnings?
* 21. Do you have a lucky charm? If yes, what is it and why is it lucky?
* 22. Who deals with the finances in your household?
Below please list the people you would like to appear with you on the Program to help support you:
Supporter #1:
* Name:
* Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Other #:
* Supporter's Relationship to you:
* Why do you want this supporter on stage with you?:
Supporter #2:
* Name:
* Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Other #:
* Supporter's Relationship to you:
* Why do you want this supporter on stage with you?:
Supporter #3:
* Name:
* Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Other #:
* Supporter's Relationship to you:
* Why do you want this supporter on stage with you?:
Supporter #4:
* Name:
* Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Other #:
* Supporter's Relationship to you:
* Why do you want this supporter on stage with you?:
Supporter #5:
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Other #:
Supporter's Relationship to you:
Why do you want this supporter on stage with you?:
* 23. Have you appeared on any game/talk/reality shows that have aired in the past two (2) years or are likely to air within the next year?
YES NO (Select One)
If YES, please fill in the following:
Show Name Air Date
(Include Tape Date if not aired) Amount Won
(if applicable)
If additional space is necessary, use the space provided at the bottom of the application
* 24. List all TV game or contest shows on which you have appeared, and whether or not you won any prizes. If you have NOT appeared on any such shows, please state this. Do not leave the space below blank.
* 25. Have you applied to be on any TV shows in the past year?
YES NO (Select One)
If YES, which ones?
* 26. Are you currently being considered for any other reality shows, including, without limitation, any game or contest shows?
YES NO (Select One)
If YES, which ones?
* 27. Have you ever been arrested?
YES NO (Select One)
If YES, please describe in detail when and where the event occurred, and what the outcome was:
* 28. If you were arrested, were you ever charged or convicted of any crimes?
If YES, please describe in detail when and where the event occurred, and what the outcome was:
* 29. Have you ever had a temporary or permanent restraining order issued against you or has anyone tried to obtain a temporary or permanent restraining order against you?
YES NO (Select One)
If YES, please include details, including, without limitation, date(s), place(s), name of party seeking the temporary restraining order and relationship of such party to you, a description of the basis upon which the temporary restraining order was sought, whether it was issued, and the basis upon which it was issued:
* 30. Is there any pending litigation against you?
YES NO (Select One)
If YES, please describe when and where the event(s) occurred, the other party/parties to the lawsuit(s), whether you were the plaintiff or defendant, the nature of the case(s), and what the outcome was for each case:
* 31. Have you ever been evicted?
YES NO (Select One)
If YES, please include details, places and dates:
* 32. Have you ever been the subject of disciplinary proceedings or actions in school, the military, at work or in any other context?
YES NO (Select One)
If YES, describe in detail, including, without limitation, date(s), place(s), the setting, the exact nature of the charges and proceedings, and the actions taken in connection with the charges and/or proceedings:
* 33. Have you ever done or been involved in anything that would reflect negatively on you or on the Program, Endemol USA Inc., Insight-DOND Ltd., Insight Production Company Ltd., CanWest MediaWorks Inc. and/or CanWest MediaWorks Publications Inc. if you are chosen to participate in the Program?
YES NO (Select One)
If YES, please explain in detail, including, without limitation, date(s), place(s), person(s) involved and their relationship to you, context, setting, publicity (if any) and the exact nature of the incident(s)
* 34. Have you ever created a website or posted any materials on any website?
YES NO (Select One)
If YES, describe the website(s) you have created and/or the materials you have posted:
* 35. Have you appeared in any magazines, publicly disseminated photographs, advertisements or on the Internet?
YES NO (Select One)
If YES, please describe:
* 36. Do you know anyone else who is applying to be on the Program (other than your supporters)?
YES NO (Select One)
If YES, please list their name(s) and phone number(s):
* 37. Is there anyone among your family, friends or work colleagues that would object to you appearing on television?
YES NO (Select One)
If YES, please identify all such persons, including your relationship with them and the reason they would object:
* 38. In-person auditions will be held in the five (5) Canadian cities listed below. If you are selected by the producers, please select the city in which you will be able to attend your audition.
Vancouver Calgary Toronto Montreal Halifax
* 39: Please list below anyone you know or have known who is now, or has been in the past two (2) years, an officer, employee, agent or representative of:
i. Endemol USA Inc., Insight-DOND Ltd.(the "Producers"), Insight Production Company Ltd., CanWest MediaWorks Inc. or CanWest MediaWorks Publications Inc., or any of their respective parent, subsidiary, affiliated and/or related companies;
ii. Any television station or channel, cable network or satellite network that airs or that may air the television program currently entitled "Deal or No Deal" (the "Program");
iii. Any person or entity involved in the development, production or distribution or other exploitation of the Program;
iv. Any sponsor or advertising and/or promotional agency associated with the Program; or
v. Any person or entity supplying services and/or prizes in connection with the Program.
Please use the space below to provide any additional information to the above answers.
Game Description:
"Deal or No Deal" (working title) (the"Program" ) is a television program in which a contestant has the opportunity to win a cash prize by selecting one of twenty-six (26) sealed MONEY CASES containing various amounts of Canadian currency ranging in value. During each successive round, the contestant must choose to keep his or her sealed MONEY CASE or take an offer from the "bank," based on the terms and conditions specified by the Producers.
Eligibility Requirements:
1. To be eligible, an individual must be: (i) of the age of majority in his/her province or territory of residence or older at the time of entry; and (ii) a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada. Neither you nor any member of your immediate family or anyone living in your household may be, or have been, within the last two (2) years, an employee, officer, director or agent of any of the following:
i) Endemol USA Inc., CanWest MediaWorks Inc., CanWest MediaWorks Publications Inc., Insight-DOND Ltd., Insight Production Company Ltd. or any of their respective parent, subsidiary, affiliated and/or related companies;
ii) Any television station or channel, cable network or satellite network that airs or that may the Program;
iii) Any person or entity involved in the development, production or distribution or other exploitation of the Program;
iv) Any sponsor of the Program or its advertising agency; or
v) Any person or entity supplying services or prizes to the Program.
For the purpose of this agreement, "immediate family" shall include husband, wife, spouse, partner, mother, father, brother, sister, son and/or daughter, whether or not they reside in the same household.
In addition, the Producers, CanWest MediaWorks Inc. and CanWest MediaWorks Publications Inc. reserve the right, but are not obligated, to disqualify or render ineligible any person who the Producers, CanWest MediaWorks Inc. and/or CanWest MediaWorks Publications Inc. determine, in its and their sole discretion, is sufficiently connected with the production, administration, casting, judging or distribution of the Program such that his or her participation in the Program could create the appearance of impropriety. Such decisions shall be final and are not subject to challenge or appeal.
2. Any person who has ever been a contestant on the Program is not eligible to play the game again; provided, however, the Producers reserve the right to invite back any contestant(s) for special episodes of the Program.
3. Contestants will need to be available for at least one (1) full day for the production, as well as any promotional appearances required by the Producers, CanWest MediaWorks Inc. and/or CanWest MediaWorks Publications Inc., and be willing to travel to one or more locations designated by the Producers.
4. Each contestant must designate supporters on the first page of this Application, and such Supporters must be present for production at the time and location specified. Supporters may not be substituted without prior written approval of the Producers. Each Supporter must also fill out and sign an Application and all other documents required by the Producers or CanWest MediaWorks Inc., CanWest MediaWorks Publications Inc., and/or any of their licensees, successors or assigns (including, without limitation, a Release Agreement) if the contestant is chosen for an audition.
Contestant Selection:
1. Applicants applying to be contestants must complete and sign the "Deal No Deal" Application and attend one (1) or more audition/interview sessions. The Producers, in their sole discretion, will determine who among the people interviewed will be placed into the pool of eligible potential contestants ("Audition Player Pool"). The Producers, in their sole discretion, shall select people from the Audition Player Pool to become finalists for episodes of the Program (each, a "Finalist" ).
2. Selection of Finalists and contestants shall be made by the Producers based on such criteria as the Producers shall determine in their sole discretion, which may be subjective. The Producers are not obligated to select anyone, even if someone meets all eligibility requirements and all criteria for selection. The Producers decisions regarding the selection of Finalists and contestants are final and not subject to challenge or appeal. The Producers are not obligated to have any contestant appear on the Program and the Producers shall have the right at all times and in their sole discretion to remove or replace any contestant for any reason or no reason. Even if a contestant participates in the Program or any part thereof, the Producers are not obligated to broadcast or otherwise use or exploit the Program, contestant's participation therein or any part thereof.
3. All Finalists must sign and return waivers and release agreements required by the Producers, CanWest MediaWorks Inc., CanWest MediaWorks Publications Inc. and/or any of their licensees, successors and assigns.
4. Any applicant who refuses to sign any of the releases or authorizations requested by the Producers, CanWest MediaWorks Inc. and/or CanWest MediaWorks Publications Inc. shall be ineligible to participate on the Program and/or is subject to disqualification from the Program.
Please read, check and date the following acknowledgement:
I hereby acknowledge that: (i) I have read and agree to be bound by the eligibility requirements; (ii) I have answered the previous questions honestly, completely and accurately; (iii) if any of the above information is found to be false or incomplete, this will be grounds for dismissal from the Program contestant selection process, and/or from the Program, if selected; (iv) I shall not give or agree to give any member of the production staff and anyone associated in any manner with the Program, or any representative of the Producers, CanWest MediaWorks Inc. or CanWest MediaWorks Publications Inc. any portion of my compensation or anything else of value to arrange my appearance on the Program or to accept or agree to accept anything of value to promote any product, service or venture on the Program, or use any prepared material containing such a promotion where I know the writer received consideration for it; (v) even if I meet the eligibility requirements, the Producers have no obligation to interview me, and/or to select me as a Finalist or a contestant; (vi) all decisions by the Producers concerning selection of the Finalists and contestants is final and not subject to challenge or appeal; and (vii) the Producers, CanWest MediaWorks Inc. and CanWest MediaWorks Publications Inc. have no obligation to return any materials submitted by me as part of the application whether or not I am selected to participate in the Program.
* By clicking here, I acknowledge that I have read and agree to be bound by the eligibility requirements indicated above.
* Date: (dd/mm/yyyy)
Please read, check and date the following NAME AND LIKENESS RELEASE AND TRANSFER OF RIGHTS:
By submitting the Application, I hereby consent to the production, reproduction, broadcast, publication, exhibition, distribution, adaptation, recording, use and reuse by CanWest MediaWorks Inc., CanWest MediaWorks Publications Inc., Endemol USA Inc., Insight-DOND Ltd. their respective licensees, assignees, parents, subsidiaries, or affiliated entities and each of the respective employees, agents, officers and directors of the foregoing entities (collectively, "Releasees") of my voice, actions, likeness, name, appearance, biographical material, and any information contained in my Application and/or in any materials submitted by me in connection with my Application (collectively "Likeness") in any and all media now known or hereafter devised, throughout the universe in perpetuity, in or in connection with the television show currently entitled "Deal No Deal" (working title) (the "Program"). I agree that Releasees may use all or any part of my Likeness, and may alter or modify it regardless of whether or not I am recognizable. I further agree that Releasees exclusively own all right, title, and interest (including, without limitation, all copyrights) in and to any video, photographs or other materials that I have provided in connection with my Application and any materials that I have provided or may provide in connection with the Program (the "Materials") including, without limitation, the right to edit, alter or modify the Materials and to use all or part of the Materials and my Likeness in any and all media now known or hereafter devised throughout the universe, in perpetuity. I represent and warrant that the Materials (specifically including, without limitation, any photographic or videotaped material) will be free from any material that is libellous, defamatory, profane, obscene, pornographic or graphically violent, and will not contain any content that is contrary to law or which places any of the Program participants appearing on or off camera at serious risk or harm. I hereby expressly waive, to the fullest extent permitted by law, any so-called “moral rights” which may now or may hereafter be recognized by legislative enactment or otherwise at law or in equity with respect to the audio-visual productions and/or sound recordings produced and/or recorded for the purposes of the Program. I further agree that Releasees may use my Likeness and the Materials in connection with any promotion, publicity, marketing or advertisement relating to the Program and/or any sponsor thereof. I grant the rights hereunder whether or not I am selected to participate in the Program in any manner whatsoever. I release and hold Releasees harmless from any and all liability arising out of their recording and/or use of my Likeness and/or the Materials, and from any and all liability for any injuries, loss or damage of any kind to myself, Releasees or any other person, including personal injury, death, or property damage, resulting in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, from my participation in the Program. I agree not to make any claim against Releasees as a result of the recording and/or use of my Likeness and/or the Materials (including, without limitation, any claim that such use invades any right of privacy and/or publicity). I understand that I will not be paid any money for giving Releasees these rights, or for signing this agreement, the sole consideration for which being the Producers’ consideration of me as a possible contestant, which I acknowledge is good, valuable and sufficient.
* Date: (dd/mm/yyyy)
* By checking here I acknowledge that I have read and comply with the above NAME AND LIKENESS RELEASE AND TRANSFER OF RIGHTS.
* Name (Please print or type):
You MUST submit a photo of yourself, along with photo(s) of your supporters in order for your application to be accepted. A maximum of four photos per application is permitted. Supporters can appear in a group photo. Each file cannot exceed 256k.
1. *
Indicate the name of the person(s) in the photograph.
Indicate the name of the person(s) in the photograph.
Indicate the name of the person(s) in the photograph.
Indicate the name of the person(s) in the photograph.
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