It should be obvious to those of you who have read my BLOGs that a few people might be angry at some of the things that I have written. Those people think I am being negative when, in fact, what I am really doing is trying to correct the errors of their way.
It is now clear to me that some of these few people are more deeply offended than I could ever imagine. "They" figured out that to silence me "they" have to make me look foolish. I want to tell you the extent to which "they" have gone to do so.
I believe that "these people" arranged to have my computer hacked. I go through a routine every morning checking out sources to be able to comment as quickly as possible on the big events of the day. I spend a good deal of time online seeing what is newsworthy for this area. As the last step, I read the Windsor Star online by going to their website for late-breaking local events http://www.canada.com/windsorstar/index.html
What was I greeted with at 6 AM today was:
- A photo of the Mayor with his mouth open (Was he about to put his foot in it again I chuckled to myself)
- A big bold headline: "Council goals set in secret"
- And the start of a story "Mayor defers to city's top bureaucrat -- 'Apparently I have no authority' The public was barred from a city council meeting Thursday to discuss the top issues facing Windsor ...
I knew immediately that I had been compromised by "them." I have had a number of email virus attacks over the past few days. In some way, I must have downloaded a virus or trojan to my PC that took over my computer and when I typed in the Star's address, it directed me to a phony Windsor Star website. "They" wanted me to write a BLOG based on misinformation that "they" had created that would make me look silly.
I outfoxed "them"... so I thought. I was NOT going to write a scathing BLOG but would wait for the newspaper to be delivered to me before I wrote my piece. I thought I knew the game "they" were playing and I was going to beat "them" at it.
To my shock, when I received my hardcopy Star, it had the same headline and story! I could not believe that "they" would spend all of that money and create a phony newspaper as well to try to fool me. It just blew my mind.
I knew that "they" did all of this and that it was designed to keep me quiet and have you, dear reader, not come to my BLOGsite any more. "They" wanted me to wrote a BLOG on something that did not happen and could never happen again in Windsor. Why didn't we see so many Star editorials on the subject recently. I foolishly thought that the amnesia pandemic had ended.
How could "they" think that I was so dumb. How could "they" underestimate me so much.
Why only a few weeks ago it seemed that Eddie was going to be more open. At a secret session with the Windsor Star Editorial Board, Eddie said that
- "the city should end the practice of including confidentiality clauses in deals struck with the private sector. "With regards to moving forward, I think one of the easiest ways to deal with this is to put a provision into the agreements that we will follow the Freedom of Information Act rules and whatever the FOI rules, that will be the test..."It's easier for me to have the information out there to prevent speculation and rumours, and that doesn't help us in any way."
And we just had an election with 3 new, tough Councillors added. Bill Marra is no rookie on Council; he's been around. Percy Hatfield has more years on Council covering it for CBC than almost all of the other Councillors combined. As for Drew Dilkens, he is familiar with business, government and the academic world. They would NEVER allow this secrecy to happen during their watch. I found it curious that the Star story did not quote any one of the Councillors at all.
Our legal technocrat mayor would never let a mere CAO push him around. Moreover, he knows exactly what a Council "meeting" means after that big scandal during the border debate when 5 Councillors met before a Council meeting.
Something strange though is going on. This was not the Eddie Francis I helped get elected several years ago. Something was different. Perhaps after the election, the Councillors changed too, not the same any more. Then in a blinding light I got it. I figured out what had happened. The word "authority" gave it away. Consider this:
- John Skorobohacz worked under Mike Hurst and then was brought back to work under Eddie Francis
- Mike Hurst was on Council when the Cleary first opened. Mayor Francis is getting rid of the Cleary (maybe)
- The Jebb Group never had a chance with Mike for an arena. The Jebb Group never had a chance with Eddie for an arena
- Rails for Trails.....started by Eddie, promoted heavily by Mike.
- Financial fiascos with Mike with Canderel and MFP; financial fiacos with Eddie with the Canderel and the arena
- No border solution with Mike, none with Eddie
- and on and on and on.
I know why the border route is so important now after I saw by chance some international trucks full of "pods" the other day. I know why "they" want to discredit me. I was getting too close to learning the truth.
My family doctor, Dr. Miles Bennell, knew. He told me when he returned to his Windsor practice "to find several of his patients suffering the paranoid delusion that their friends or relatives are impostors." He found out the answer. He warned me but I did not believe him. Now I do.
As the good doctor said:
- "In my practice, I've seen how people have allowed their humanity to drain away. Only it happened slowly instead of all at once. They didn't seem to mind...All of us - a little bit - we harden our hearts, grow callous. Only when we have to fight to stay human do we realize."
They are everywhere, taking us over one by one. YOU have been warned now too!
1 comment:
A reader writes:
Since the Mayor has now claimed to have no authority, I am curious as to what authority he thought he had?
How many "workshops" are slated for City council and the Mayor?
Is this a residue from "single sourcing"?
Nice try guys, it just builds the secretive dilemma surrounding Windsor politics.
To reiterate, yes it is a $500 million dollar corporation.
The shareholders require disclosure of information relevant to expenditures endorsed by elected officials.
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