Never cross a chicken. It might come back and peck you.
Take the City's Corporate solicitor, George Wilkki as an example. He might get hen-pecked soon if he is not careful. Do you remember when he made Dr. Dave Wonham, ex candidate for Mayor, and his Chicken leave the Council chambers, to fly the coop so to speak:
- "City solicitor George Wilkki later told Wonham the ejection was in accordance with procedural bylaws.
"The issue is council decorum. If the gentleman wishes to remove his chicken outfit, he is welcome to return to council chambers," Wilkki said. "I'm not going to debate the issue. Those are the rules of the game."
Wonham argued that the bylaw recited by Wilkki doesn't mention dress code, and said that he and his chicken friend were "sitting perfectly peacefully and quietly" before they were told to leave."
Now Dr. Dave's Chimczuk Museum Inc has several domains. You remember one of them I suspect. The first one is www.windsorcitycouncil.com since thousands of you went there. The Museum also has another one www.windsorcitycouncil.ca
It seems the City is not too pleased that the Museum owns them. Why the City did not know about them or do anything when the .com site was used during the election is beyond me. Maybe Administration was concerned Wonham might win and did not want to anger him. Well now that the election is over, guess what happened. You are eggsactly correct. The City laid it on the line. The City wants the .com site.
Did Dr. Dave panic or did he cross the road to the other side. No way. He is no chicken-livered coward. He knows his rights. He warned the City to take action to protect the name and when they did not, the Museum bought the .ca site too! What a sense of humour, a real comedi-hen. So much for the IT people and the lawyers at City Hall. I can just hear Dr. Dave say "A people-pox on both your offices!"
In the good old days, Dr. Dave would have received a registered demand letter in a big brown legal-sized hen-velope. Today, it is all done by email. Here is the exchange of emails between the good doctor and a law student who works at City Hall.
- 1)From: "Legal Student"
To: David Wonham
When you get a chance, can you please give me a call so that I can talk
to you about your museum website.
2) Hi David,
Thanks so much for all your advice today. It was nice speaking with you and getting your opinion on the website issue. I understand that there is a bigger problem than just your one website and I will be scheduling a meeting with the IT department to look into the matter. Remember the deal we have.
I'll do my best to research the network solutions website and determine what other domain names the City should consider purchasing. But once I complete my side of the bargain and bring this matter to the attention of those responsible for making the final decisions, then you must allow the City of Windsor to take the WindsorCityCouncil.com website and reimburse you the $74.97 U.S.dollars that you spent to register the website.
If you have any more ideas about this problem then feel free to email me. I'm happy to learn from your experience!!
3) J..., you are working for totally incompetent persons. They have set you up to do their dirty work. They have not done their basic homework. If they were really concerned with the domain that I hold, they would have secured the extensions needed before sending you out to buy mine.
If they wish to obtain this address, they may bid for it in the normal way. I have supplied you with the necessary information to do this, so go ahead with your project.
David Wonham
For myself I believe it is fowl play! It looks like the City may want to make an eggs-ample of him. After all, with the City's finances, money does not grow on eggplants!
Dr. Dave was probably shell-shocked when he first heard about the City's demands. Probably next he thought it was a big yolk. He may have thought the sky was falling on him. Then I bet he got angry and eggravated. He probably eggs-ploded. He won't settle for chicken-feed now. He wants the golden egg. It is certainly not il-legal for Dr. Dave to have taken the action he did nor to demand compensation. He won't settle cheaply. My guess is that he would want in the range of $25,000 for each of the domains.
It looks like the young law student may have to start all over again, from scratch you might say. Talk is cheep after all. He may have to research this question for hours, even around the cluck. So much for taking out that chick for dinner. But I bet he is a plucky lad.
I wonder if some kind of a deal can be worked out, sort of a "You scratch my beak and I'll scratch yours" type of transaction. Otherwise we might have a bombeggshell dropped. And no one wants anyone's feathers ruffled. I am certain that Dr. Dave would negotiate provided he can see the whites of his opponent's eyes!
When he was running for mayor, Dr. Dave met with Liberal Premier DaltonMcGuinty. I wonder if they discussed this issue. To be fair, if the PC leader came to Windsor, I would suggest that the Chicken Catch-a-Tory to cluck about the matter.
What do you think that the Chimczuk Museum will do with the money it gets? It doesn't need a big nest-egg. It might buy a 2-door car for example, a chicken coop. It might invest in the stork market. Nawww, it will probably pay off its corporate debts.
Joseph Chimczuk left the City $1 million nearly 16 years ago. The monies have not yet been spent and have grown to nearly $3 million. What an Egg-ecutor of the estate the City is! The money is to be used to "Build a building to be known as the "Chimczuk Museum." And guess who owns the trade mark for the Chimczuk museum. Check out www.chimczukmuseum.com But that is another BLOG.
A reader writes:
Why did the chicken run across the road?
A: There was a car coming.
Q: Why did the chicken cross the road halfway?
A: She wanted to lay it on the line.
Q: Why did the rubber chicken cross the road?
A: She wanted to stretch her legs.
Q: Why did the Roman chicken cross the road?
A: She was afraid someone would caesar!
Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?
A: To prove to the possum it could actually be done!
A reader writes:
Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?
A: For fowl reasons.
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