Friday, August 4, 2006

MFOIA---The Saga Continues

I do not know if you will find this subject of interest or not but obviously I believe that there are serious principles at play that require that I continue on in my MFOIA matter.

If this interests you, keep on reading. If it bores you, feel free to skip this and other future BLOGS on the topic.

Before I can make an informed decision as to what I will do, there is some basic information that I need from the City. Accordingly, here is what I wrote:

  • To: Chuck Scarpelli
    Manager of Records & Eletions and
    Freedom of Information Coordinator

    Re: FOI 33-2006

    Thank you for your letter dated July 28, 2006.

    Clearly, you have a very good perspective on the records to be disclosed since you seem to know the exact number of pages to be copied.

    In order for me to determine what my next step should be, I would appreciate if you could provide to me the number of records in each of the seven parts of my request. All that you have given me are total numbers.

    I would also appreciate when dealing with each area, if you would also breakdown the records by year.

    As an example, and to be clear, what I am seeking for each of the seven areas is:

    Area #1 Records re plans or proposals to operate…the Detroit- Windsor Tunnel…
    -Total number of records
    -Number of records broken down by year

    Without this information, it is virtually impossible for me to make an informed decision.

    Please also let me know which Departments were contacted.

    With respect to the charge of $30 per hour, please advise how that was determined

    Given the short review period, I would appreciate this information as soon as possible. Please let me know if you cannot complete this request by the close of business on August 4, 2006. In such case, let me know the date when I can have the information.

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