Thursday, August 3, 2006

More To Come

I have not given up in getting the documents I requested in the face of a $100,000+ bill from the City. I'll keep you advised as the saga continues. Here is part of what one reader said to me:


You do not know me but, maybe that will change. I have become an avid reader and in fact very much look forward to your daily writings. I have been following your Freedom of Information request with special interest.

Reading your column today, it is apparent to me that you have just discovered or are about to realize the true nature of things. The name of the legislation under which you are seeking information is "Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act".

If you actually thought you were just after "Freedom of Information" then you are under a misconceived conception. This legislation is not about the Public's access to information or right to know but, more about how the Government can legally keep any information it wants from you.

As far as what to do with your present request, hopefully you are independently wealthy because City Hall should be put on the spot for some accountability.

In closing may I remind you of a constant.

Government has 2 things going for it, unlimited time and unlimited money.

The second is important because it is your money being used against you."

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