Wednesday, August 23, 2006

People Based Budget--By Phone

I saw this story in the Star recently and while I found it odd, I did not think much of it. However, as usual, a reader wrote to me about it and asked my views of it. So I started to think about it.

  • Satisfaction survey
    Published: Tuesday, August 01, 2006

    In preparation for the 2007 city operating and capital budgets, the University of Windsor is conducting a telephone survey on behalf of the city beginning today and continuing for the next two weeks.

    The survey, conducted by university students, will be statistically valid and find out from Windsor residents what their priorities are and how satisfied they are with municipal programs and services.

    "This information can be used by city council to make funding decisions during the upcoming budget process," said Onorio Colucci, city treasurer."

I thought it odd that Council all of a sudden cared what citizens had to say about the budget for next year. I must admit I did not recall this type of action being done before.

Remember what I wrote about the People based budget before:

  • "Whatever happened to the People Based Budget process that seemed to work so well last year? Whatever happened to the "web site and an interactive online survey that not only provided citizens with relevant budget information but enabled them to give their opinions and rank their priorities."

Remember what the Mayor said in his State of the City speech:

  • "And the People-Based Budget will not be a one-year wonder!

    It will be back next year, when it will feed into our zero-based budget. Having public input into our zero-based budget process will truly yield more effective – and efficient – city government."

Here is what Councillor Postma said in December 2005:

  • "What ever happened to People Based budgeting? How are citizens going to learn what the cuts really mean? We did not even advertise our meetings....

    I am greatly disappointed that some of my esteemed colleagues have labelled this Council as being at war with spenders vs. savers, good vs. evil, guardians of good vs. guardians of the public purse etc. There are many ways to stretch the truth to make yourself sound better than others, however all actions or mis-actions have an impact, some that you may not notice today but you certainly will in the future. Smoke and mirrors - I truly look forward to educating the public on the budget in an open truly people based process."

Councillor Lewenza gave the justification for killing the process:

  • "Looking back on the people based budget, I witnessed minimal value in allowing the exercise aside from allowing citizens to express themselves and for allotting city councillors the privilege to mingle with their constituents."

I thought it even stranger that the work would be done now and not say, in November, since several of the Council members won't be around next year after the November election. Perhaps next year's Council would have a different opinion as to the budget process so why waste money doing a "telephone survey" on "what their priorities are and how satisfied they are with municipal programs and services."

Then it hit me---this had nothing to do with the budget but everything to do with getting the pulse of the public for the election and at taxpayer expense. Don't go out and hire your own polling firm when the City will do the work for the Mayor and Council. What wonderful information that the Mayor and Council will have in advance so that they can do their electioneering and give the people what they want.

Clearly, they are in panic mode at City Hall knowing what trouble most of them are in since the focus of the election will be in the wards if no one challenges Eddie.

Just try and get the results too. And some people think they can beat incumbents.

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