I am ashamed of what this City has become!
Friday at 4 p.m. this Mayor and Council will hold a Special Council Meeting to discuss whether the Interim Control Bylaw in Sandwich should be extended.
As you may know this bylaw expires on January 29. This Mayor and Council had months to set up a meeting to discuss whether or not this bylaw should be extended or allowed to expire. This matter could have been discussed at Council in a regular meeting on January 28 or at last week's meeting except perhaps the Mayor was too tired after his taxpayer paid trip to Germany.
Instead this Mayor and Council decided to hold a meeting right before the weekend.
Of course, people in Sandwich who might want to build a garage or people who might want to build a house or who might just want to comment on this bylaw but have to work at that time will not be able to do so. It means fewer delegations so that the Council Members don't have to stay around so long and listen to the great unwashed speak.
It is laughable and typical of this non-open and transparent Council. Screw the people on one hand and then demand their support for Greenlink! This is the Mayor who wants support against the Senior Levels and the County from Windsorites and he treats us this way. Why should anyone believe anything that he has to say after this kind of action.
I am disgusted by this action. It is nothing more than an attack on Democracy in Windsor. Unless one looks on the Council website, and it was not posted until late Tuesday, one would not even know about this meeting until it was too late.
That's the point isn't it, not to let anybody know about it until the last minute. Moreover, if it's held on Friday it can't be televised and no one will see how the Mayor is attacked for this ridiculous bylaw.
I called to City Hall on Tuesday afternoon when I found out about this meeting to try and get a copy of the Administration Report so that I could take a look at it. I expect it to be very, very thick because a whole year's worth of work has been done and an explanation will have to be given why more time is needed. The report was not available because it had not been signed off yet. Can you imagine, they had months to draft a report and it has not yet been signed off in the last minute.
Why give anybody any time to look at it? In that way someone might actually have time to prepare an argument against what the City wants to do. Heaven forbid.
There's no point in me ranting about it. It is typical of this Mayor and this Council. I have never seen anything like it and unfortunately we're stuck with them for three more years. Time soon to start a petition to demand that the Premier give us the right of recall as an offset of giving these people in extra year in office.
Windsor's only hope is that a few of the Councillors may decide they can't stomach this any longer and that they ask that this matter be deferred until the regular Council meeting. If they lose on that, in my opinion their only choice is to walk out and not participate in this disgrace of a meeting.
It will be difficult for them to do that. They will be crucified by their colleagues who remain as grandstanders and giving in to the "enemies" of the City. So be it. I for one will applaud them. And so should you!
As you may know this bylaw expires on January 29. This Mayor and Council had months to set up a meeting to discuss whether or not this bylaw should be extended or allowed to expire. This matter could have been discussed at Council in a regular meeting on January 28 or at last week's meeting except perhaps the Mayor was too tired after his taxpayer paid trip to Germany.
Instead this Mayor and Council decided to hold a meeting right before the weekend.
Of course, people in Sandwich who might want to build a garage or people who might want to build a house or who might just want to comment on this bylaw but have to work at that time will not be able to do so. It means fewer delegations so that the Council Members don't have to stay around so long and listen to the great unwashed speak.
It is laughable and typical of this non-open and transparent Council. Screw the people on one hand and then demand their support for Greenlink! This is the Mayor who wants support against the Senior Levels and the County from Windsorites and he treats us this way. Why should anyone believe anything that he has to say after this kind of action.
I am disgusted by this action. It is nothing more than an attack on Democracy in Windsor. Unless one looks on the Council website, and it was not posted until late Tuesday, one would not even know about this meeting until it was too late.
That's the point isn't it, not to let anybody know about it until the last minute. Moreover, if it's held on Friday it can't be televised and no one will see how the Mayor is attacked for this ridiculous bylaw.
I called to City Hall on Tuesday afternoon when I found out about this meeting to try and get a copy of the Administration Report so that I could take a look at it. I expect it to be very, very thick because a whole year's worth of work has been done and an explanation will have to be given why more time is needed. The report was not available because it had not been signed off yet. Can you imagine, they had months to draft a report and it has not yet been signed off in the last minute.
Why give anybody any time to look at it? In that way someone might actually have time to prepare an argument against what the City wants to do. Heaven forbid.
There's no point in me ranting about it. It is typical of this Mayor and this Council. I have never seen anything like it and unfortunately we're stuck with them for three more years. Time soon to start a petition to demand that the Premier give us the right of recall as an offset of giving these people in extra year in office.
Windsor's only hope is that a few of the Councillors may decide they can't stomach this any longer and that they ask that this matter be deferred until the regular Council meeting. If they lose on that, in my opinion their only choice is to walk out and not participate in this disgrace of a meeting.
It will be difficult for them to do that. They will be crucified by their colleagues who remain as grandstanders and giving in to the "enemies" of the City. So be it. I for one will applaud them. And so should you!
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