Today's the day to show your support to help get Windsor taxes reduced even more!
It was too taxing for the Mayor to proclaim today as TAX CUT NOW! day in Windsor. City Hall refused to do so. But that was to be expected wasn't it.
So far, the pressure exerted by WeACT and other Windsor taxpayers has resulted in a decline of the tax increase to only 0.95% (not including other levies which will increase that amount).
If you will remember your limboing days, the question now is: How low can they still go?
WeACT needs your help to help drive down the tax rate even more. And don't accept the nonsense and scare tactics that by decreasing taxes you are also decreasing services.
Come downtown in late afternoon and look for one of the WeACT volunteers who will be pleased to present you with a TAX CUT NOW! sticker that you can proudly wear. In fact, take a few them with you so that you can give them out to your friends and family.
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