He had learned well from Windsor's master politician, the Teflon Mayor, the man who is never wrong, who can never be blamed and who can never be pinned down. The man who is always positive and has a Plan and a dream to lull the masses while he lets others do the dirty work.
But he suffers from the Mayor's weakness. He has to give away little hints so that he can point to them and say with wonderment on his face... why are you so surprised, I told you so.
He thought no one would notice. He thought that even if someone did they would not understand the consequences of what he said.
Naturally, as an insider, he underestimated Bloggers who learned to read tea leaves and animal entrails in Windsor to try and understand what is going on.
Of course he has a way of words that few in the City can match. His words can mean anything he wants them to mean but we know what he really means don't we, dear reader. You have been reading this BLOG long enough to uncover and understand the hidden messages.
There was a tantalizing hint at the end of the Page 3 column on Saturday. Speaking about the Marra vs. Brister upcoming battle, the remark was made:
- "Yeah. This could be fun. A classic showdown to kick off the next decade. I almost wish I could be around to enjoy it."
Did you notice the word "almost." There was nothing final in what he said. He learned from Brister's faux pas about "never" running for Mayor.
- "I got a kick out of Gord's front-page story suggesting Mayor Eddie Francis will run for re-election in 2010, pitting him against grandstanding pretenders itching to ascend to his throne, including me.
As a longtime media guy, I totally understand Gord's cravings to stir political pots with an election almost three arid years away. Gord is free to speculate to his heart's desire"
Cravings, stir pots, three arid years....Put it all together. The secret is out now. You read it here first!
Yes, dear reader, Gord Henderson has just announced that he is running for Mayor of the City of Windsor in 2010! That's why he won't be around to watch the Marra/Brister fight. He will be a main participant in that battle for election. He saw what Percy could do to make a few extra bucks on top of his CBC pension. Being a celebrity helps doesn't it. And who is bigger than Gord!
He is not retiring as the Saturday column may have suggested. From being a columnist on the Star perhaps, but he is starting his new career: politician par excellence.
Do you like the way that Councillor Halberstadt combined the two Henderson stories in his letter with respect to Eddie running for Mayor for a third term and the dysfunction in Council. The canoeing buddy of Henderson set it up perfectly. Just like the hint that Henderson also gave us that the relationship between Halberstadt and Francis is strained only a few weeks ago. Henderson and Halberstadt are rock solid together as they play their banjos with their hope of Deliverance for us all from seven years of Francis rule.
Halberstadt is politically savvy enough to know that he cannot be Mayor since it takes a pile of money and organization. He has also made too many enemies on Council for obvious reasons so he would face major opposition. It appears he does not want the job anyway. He serves us well by being Leader of the Opposition no matter who the Mayor is. He always asks the tough questions. If he cannot have the job, then why not his buddy whom he trusts?
The two recent stories by Henderson accomplished exactly what the man who knows everything about everything and everyone in Windsor wanted to accomplish. It was brilliant political manoeuvering and strategizing that Eddie's Eminence Greasie could only admire.
First, Henderson made sure that Eddie could not possibly run again for Mayor when he wrote the 3rd Term story. The public's outcry and hostility eliminated a major competitor.
Next he continued to set up the Councillor formerly known as Councillor Budget as the one to blame on the arena file to a eliminate him as a competitor.
Of course, thirdly, he was in there with a dig against Councillor Marra as the Mayor in Waiting to put another nail in that coffin.
Fourthly, and this is the genius part, he has Councillors fighting against Councillors, the insiders against the outsiders. They will be too distracted looking over each other to worry about him sneaking up and becoming the lead candidate. Keep describing Council as dysfunctional and needing leadership that none of them can provide for the next year or two and he is a shoo-in.
If you want proof of this, how can anyone describe Councillor Dilkens as an outsider. He has done nothing negative by asking for openness and transparency or looking at the truck problem on Dougall Avenue. He is acting in the best interests of his constituents. That's the problem though... he might become too popular. We cannot have that happening can we... Dilkens needs to be cut down to size by describing him as a co-conspirator. Why else would Henderson mention Councillors Jones and Postma as supporting Eddie for a third term. That eliminates them too.
It is even more sinister than this I am afraid. Do you really think that the Sheriff and the media Renegades are doing this on their own?
Don't be so silly. Clearly, they must be following orders.
Remember what I wrote a long time ago that the "Media is the Government" in Windsor. Well the Media needs to reassert their position in Windsor since certain politicians think that they are above them. They need to put one of their own into power to clean up what has been going on during the last few years. No wonder that the Media needed to support the concept of openness and transparency. They needed to know what is going on didn't they behind closed doors. They had concerns.
Oh it is a diabolical plot. Do you really believe that the writers dare defy their Editors at the Star? Do you really think that anyone would dare speak against the CKLW News Director's point of view at the station?
Strap a "W" on your brain folks! Everyone is now trying to squeeze into the phone booth aren't they! The media is finally supporting the Bloggers' opinions so you think. The transformation seems to be happening overnight doesn't it and in a coordinated fashion, too coordinated in my opinion. That is what gave it all away. It was all too sudden and too surprising. There was too much media unity.
You have now been warned about what is happening in Windsor. Laugh all you want. Call this ridiculous. But have I ever been wrong yet!
Hey Gord, when you become Mayor, could I have a position on the Enwin Board. I hear it pays pretty well.
PS. I am just kidding. This BLOG is just meant to be a joke, satire, to give you a chuckle during your afternoon coffee break. It's not happening is it. I mean really, it is not..............???
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