Here is the first batch of reader comments for 2008. Oooops, where is YOUR contribution?
1)The public should be concerned about this! No matter what happens with Greenlink we will always have to work with the Ambassador Bridge....they have been here since 1929!
2)After reading the weekend Windsor Star I think the editor at the star may be silently roving a point.
Eddie Francis wants the Feds to cough up 30 million and the city will do whatever it takes to bring a new product to Windsor.
A smaller headline says 1 billion in construction to start but the city says no.
At the bottom of the page they are closing libraries because of an 800,00 forced budget cut.
It seems to me if a business wanted to spend 1 billion dollars, as a business person, a real one, I would be there finding out what I could do to supply or negotiate with them for a piece of the spending. That is common sense.
The taxes and fees would be enormous for the city coiffures. That is called co-operation.
There would be plenty for the budget and libraries could stay open. By the way, libraries have been and always will be for the ones who need it the most, not he people who have. Remember that point.
Why is when budget cuts are made they are done at the level that is easiest to cut?
Also why did the mayor of Windsor create a company to run the airport? This new company he has become in charge of does not have to get council approval for anything.
The headlines about the city stopping the bridge is not helping the economy around here. Ask any business person who depends on the crossing.
3) Ed,
What a wonderful opportunity the Star has given all citizens of Windsor. Post your comments regarding the Ambassador Bridge twinning!
But, guess what, as of 10:30 a.m. this morning they have yet to post a single comment. It must be a terrific task to censure so many opinions!
I posted mine at 8:00 a.m. thus morning and have yet to see it (all rules complied with). should be a lot of interesting reading.
[Then subsequently after comments were posted] Ed... looks like we have ourselves a bonafide revolt !!
4) Hello Ed, and greetings from [Town in Ontario].
While attempting to explore a CRTC site in order to submit a complaint of my own, I accidentally stumbled across your blog and immediately became interested in your encounter with CKLW's Jason Moore's comments. My interest was piqued because like so many other "experts" who think they are up there with the Lord, they often make comments or replies that are thinly disguised personal attacks against individuals who have little or no recourse for a rebuttal, nor are resources offered whereby they may rebuttal. While I am a strong proponent of freedom of speech etc., I do not believe that one should have an advantage over another simply because of his or her position such as Moore appears to have. This offends and angers me greatly.
Anyway, the essence of this email is to say that I did not see the final outcome and was wondering how it all turned out for you.
However, irrespective of the outcome, I salute and encourage you to continue as you are doing. Remember that democracy and freedoms are only as good as those who guard them!
I have bookmarked your site and look forward to reading your blogs.
5) Did you catch the responses to G.H.'s column online? The people are ready for a revolution!
6) [Star Editorial] I couldn't have written it better myself. The last two paragraphs say it all. I am glad we are not the only ones who believe that dissent is the very foundation on what democracy was built upon.
7)"Questioning the need for further study, Windsor Mayor Eddie Francis said Thursday a high-speed rail link between Windsor and Quebec City "is an idea whose time has come."
"I don't know if we need another study. Everyone agrees this would be a great thing." "
This from the mayor who wants to study everything else ad nauseum.
Eddie will run again. Where else can he get a $160k a year job?
8) Hi Ed
Keep those fingers of yours flying, you have published some great work lately!! If it wasn't for your blog and others,l wouldn't have been able to have a complete and thorough picture of the mess this city is in from its roads, sewers, bridges et al and then there is his warpship!
9) Does Eddie really think HE is the ONE that can stop the road access to the bridge?(In reference to the Matrix movie I apologize)
His head is well, you know.
If this wasn't so serious it would be an incredible joke.
April 1st anyone?
His ward mate, Caroline Postma, told me she's sickened by a dysfunctional, backstabbing, clique-ridden, media-hogging council which she compared to a Grade 9 class at her old school, Forster Collegiate. This council, said Postma, has been poisoned by misleading, two-faced blogs and by third-party associations and influence.
Ms Postma had better utter a complete and full apology to every student at Forster. I had some great years there.
10) Bill Marra for Mayor!
11) Is Windsor in trouble, again?
Ontario and Quebec are going to do a study on a high speed rail line from Montreal to Windsor.
Will the city be split in half?
Train traffic on top of trucks?
The city's lawyer will be busy for years demanding an impact study for Windsor if they want to do something in Montreal.
Talk about carte blanche.
Will it screw up the green link?? Will they have to move it because of railway tracks?
Will they have to move the arena site, again?
Will EC Row become a route for high speed rail lines at the expense of city residents?
Who knows but Eddie's comments are sure going to be colourful.
You can almost plan sarcasm ahead of time.
12) Why would the province spend all that money to fix up E.C. Row, when the cheapest solution is to take the existing Huron/Talbot corridor and turn it into a 6 lane controlled access highway right to an enhanced Ambassador Bridge. No matter what route is chosen there will be bitching and whining from our mayor, ultimately cheapest will win.
IMO, the ultimate decision on where or when anything will be built is in the hands of the U.S. Federal Government and their Department of Homeland Security. The upgrades will be to move auto-parts between the Southern U.S. and plants in Eastern Ontario. When this becomes a priority of the corporations that control the U.S. Government then something will happen. Some big talking, small-city mayor is not going to change that.
13) Today, I admit I read your entire blog. And I laughed out loud three times! Schwunnels is very funny!
I was glad you acknowledged Dennis' longtime advocacy on the engineering school
14)[Eddie's Way Or No Highway] absolutely a terrifc blog today
15) I watched most of the Manning Road item and all I can say is - what a bunch of whiners! All I could hear was WhaWha... WhaWha!
Regardless of any other considerations, Manning Road needs to be widened. Haven't any of those people been to Tecumseh lately and seen the development?
Putting that on the agenda itself speaks to the childishness of these people. If I heard correctly, the county's letter requested a meeting. That should have taken place instead of this sorry display of public childish whining. Are there no adults on city council? Are there no people with even the smallest modicom of professionalism?
It was embarrassing.
I think senior levels of government would be very wise to start talking to Mayor Bradley, or explore the idea of building a new crossing in the Walpole Island vicinity.
16) I have not seen any of the truckers websites taking a strip off Dilkens (Todays Trucking and Truck News both did an article in their online editions - but not critical). What galls me is that Henderson is obvioulsy referring to the comments posted on the Star's own website - some of which were critical of Dilkens but the majority were complimentary. Perhaps if he puts so much store into the comments posted by readers on the Star's website, he should devote some time and column space to interpreting the negative comments about the Mayor and generally the council in response to three recent Star articles. Perhaps not a scientific sampling, but I would suggest as scientific (and a lot more fair) than the city's samplng of comments to 311 re Greenlink. At least in the Star, readers are not discouraged to leave negative comments.
17) ...it makes me sick that Windsor is not supporting the Manning Rd. improvements and that they are also not moving forward with the Lauzon Pkwy extension to 401.
Of course trucks are using Dougall - they cannot get to 401 by any other logical means. Would it not make more common sense to have trucks use the freeway that was designed to take them in the interim to the Greenlink project completion??? The LP extension would also benefit all of those industrial plants in Twin Oaks that were promised this by past governments as incentive to locate here.
Where are trucks going to travel while Greenlink is being built? - why wait until this becomes a serious issue too late to deal with?
Pardon my use of the phrase "common sense" - I know it is taboo in this city.
18)...if you can make people say what you want them to say [in a movie], please have a movie where Francis says he is resigning now!!!!
1)The public should be concerned about this! No matter what happens with Greenlink we will always have to work with the Ambassador Bridge....they have been here since 1929!
2)After reading the weekend Windsor Star I think the editor at the star may be silently roving a point.
Eddie Francis wants the Feds to cough up 30 million and the city will do whatever it takes to bring a new product to Windsor.
A smaller headline says 1 billion in construction to start but the city says no.
At the bottom of the page they are closing libraries because of an 800,00 forced budget cut.
It seems to me if a business wanted to spend 1 billion dollars, as a business person, a real one, I would be there finding out what I could do to supply or negotiate with them for a piece of the spending. That is common sense.
The taxes and fees would be enormous for the city coiffures. That is called co-operation.
There would be plenty for the budget and libraries could stay open. By the way, libraries have been and always will be for the ones who need it the most, not he people who have. Remember that point.
Why is when budget cuts are made they are done at the level that is easiest to cut?
Also why did the mayor of Windsor create a company to run the airport? This new company he has become in charge of does not have to get council approval for anything.
The headlines about the city stopping the bridge is not helping the economy around here. Ask any business person who depends on the crossing.
3) Ed,
What a wonderful opportunity the Star has given all citizens of Windsor. Post your comments regarding the Ambassador Bridge twinning!
But, guess what, as of 10:30 a.m. this morning they have yet to post a single comment. It must be a terrific task to censure so many opinions!
I posted mine at 8:00 a.m. thus morning and have yet to see it (all rules complied with). should be a lot of interesting reading.
[Then subsequently after comments were posted] Ed... looks like we have ourselves a bonafide revolt !!
4) Hello Ed, and greetings from [Town in Ontario].
While attempting to explore a CRTC site in order to submit a complaint of my own, I accidentally stumbled across your blog and immediately became interested in your encounter with CKLW's Jason Moore's comments. My interest was piqued because like so many other "experts" who think they are up there with the Lord, they often make comments or replies that are thinly disguised personal attacks against individuals who have little or no recourse for a rebuttal, nor are resources offered whereby they may rebuttal. While I am a strong proponent of freedom of speech etc., I do not believe that one should have an advantage over another simply because of his or her position such as Moore appears to have. This offends and angers me greatly.
Anyway, the essence of this email is to say that I did not see the final outcome and was wondering how it all turned out for you.
However, irrespective of the outcome, I salute and encourage you to continue as you are doing. Remember that democracy and freedoms are only as good as those who guard them!
I have bookmarked your site and look forward to reading your blogs.
5) Did you catch the responses to G.H.'s column online? The people are ready for a revolution!
6) [Star Editorial] I couldn't have written it better myself. The last two paragraphs say it all. I am glad we are not the only ones who believe that dissent is the very foundation on what democracy was built upon.
7)"Questioning the need for further study, Windsor Mayor Eddie Francis said Thursday a high-speed rail link between Windsor and Quebec City "is an idea whose time has come."
"I don't know if we need another study. Everyone agrees this would be a great thing." "
This from the mayor who wants to study everything else ad nauseum.
Eddie will run again. Where else can he get a $160k a year job?
8) Hi Ed
Keep those fingers of yours flying, you have published some great work lately!! If it wasn't for your blog and others,l wouldn't have been able to have a complete and thorough picture of the mess this city is in from its roads, sewers, bridges et al and then there is his warpship!
9) Does Eddie really think HE is the ONE that can stop the road access to the bridge?(In reference to the Matrix movie I apologize)
His head is well, you know.
If this wasn't so serious it would be an incredible joke.
April 1st anyone?
His ward mate, Caroline Postma, told me she's sickened by a dysfunctional, backstabbing, clique-ridden, media-hogging council which she compared to a Grade 9 class at her old school, Forster Collegiate. This council, said Postma, has been poisoned by misleading, two-faced blogs and by third-party associations and influence.
Ms Postma had better utter a complete and full apology to every student at Forster. I had some great years there.
10) Bill Marra for Mayor!
11) Is Windsor in trouble, again?
Ontario and Quebec are going to do a study on a high speed rail line from Montreal to Windsor.
Will the city be split in half?
Train traffic on top of trucks?
The city's lawyer will be busy for years demanding an impact study for Windsor if they want to do something in Montreal.
Talk about carte blanche.
Will it screw up the green link?? Will they have to move it because of railway tracks?
Will they have to move the arena site, again?
Will EC Row become a route for high speed rail lines at the expense of city residents?
Who knows but Eddie's comments are sure going to be colourful.
You can almost plan sarcasm ahead of time.
12) Why would the province spend all that money to fix up E.C. Row, when the cheapest solution is to take the existing Huron/Talbot corridor and turn it into a 6 lane controlled access highway right to an enhanced Ambassador Bridge. No matter what route is chosen there will be bitching and whining from our mayor, ultimately cheapest will win.
IMO, the ultimate decision on where or when anything will be built is in the hands of the U.S. Federal Government and their Department of Homeland Security. The upgrades will be to move auto-parts between the Southern U.S. and plants in Eastern Ontario. When this becomes a priority of the corporations that control the U.S. Government then something will happen. Some big talking, small-city mayor is not going to change that.
13) Today, I admit I read your entire blog. And I laughed out loud three times! Schwunnels is very funny!
I was glad you acknowledged Dennis' longtime advocacy on the engineering school
14)[Eddie's Way Or No Highway] absolutely a terrifc blog today
15) I watched most of the Manning Road item and all I can say is - what a bunch of whiners! All I could hear was WhaWha... WhaWha!
Regardless of any other considerations, Manning Road needs to be widened. Haven't any of those people been to Tecumseh lately and seen the development?
Putting that on the agenda itself speaks to the childishness of these people. If I heard correctly, the county's letter requested a meeting. That should have taken place instead of this sorry display of public childish whining. Are there no adults on city council? Are there no people with even the smallest modicom of professionalism?
It was embarrassing.
I think senior levels of government would be very wise to start talking to Mayor Bradley, or explore the idea of building a new crossing in the Walpole Island vicinity.
16) I have not seen any of the truckers websites taking a strip off Dilkens (Todays Trucking and Truck News both did an article in their online editions - but not critical). What galls me is that Henderson is obvioulsy referring to the comments posted on the Star's own website - some of which were critical of Dilkens but the majority were complimentary. Perhaps if he puts so much store into the comments posted by readers on the Star's website, he should devote some time and column space to interpreting the negative comments about the Mayor and generally the council in response to three recent Star articles. Perhaps not a scientific sampling, but I would suggest as scientific (and a lot more fair) than the city's samplng of comments to 311 re Greenlink. At least in the Star, readers are not discouraged to leave negative comments.
17) ...it makes me sick that Windsor is not supporting the Manning Rd. improvements and that they are also not moving forward with the Lauzon Pkwy extension to 401.
Of course trucks are using Dougall - they cannot get to 401 by any other logical means. Would it not make more common sense to have trucks use the freeway that was designed to take them in the interim to the Greenlink project completion??? The LP extension would also benefit all of those industrial plants in Twin Oaks that were promised this by past governments as incentive to locate here.
Where are trucks going to travel while Greenlink is being built? - why wait until this becomes a serious issue too late to deal with?
Pardon my use of the phrase "common sense" - I know it is taboo in this city.
18)...if you can make people say what you want them to say [in a movie], please have a movie where Francis says he is resigning now!!!!
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