A warm welcome to the ever-expanding phone booth to the Windsor Star Editorial Writers.
They did it much more elegantly but they have also joined the Posse along with their Renegade writers.
It is hardly a surprise but it is still quite shocking given all of the circumstances. It is very clear that Star personnel read the BLOGs. They read what their readers write on the Star Forums. They know what WeACT has been able to accomplish in a very short period of time with WUC and tax decreases.
It was inevitable that the Star was going to change its position after all of this opposition to what is going on at City Hall. It had to or else it would be totally out of touch with its own readership. And if that took place and circulation dropped along with ad revenues, well you could guess what would happen then.
The only other instance that I can remember that is as dramatic as this Editorial occurred when the Star dropped its support of DRTP. It is that significant a move.
I'll let you read the Editorial for yourself. If you don't get the Star, go out and buy a copy. It is well worth it.
They did it much more elegantly but they have also joined the Posse along with their Renegade writers.
It is hardly a surprise but it is still quite shocking given all of the circumstances. It is very clear that Star personnel read the BLOGs. They read what their readers write on the Star Forums. They know what WeACT has been able to accomplish in a very short period of time with WUC and tax decreases.
It was inevitable that the Star was going to change its position after all of this opposition to what is going on at City Hall. It had to or else it would be totally out of touch with its own readership. And if that took place and circulation dropped along with ad revenues, well you could guess what would happen then.
The only other instance that I can remember that is as dramatic as this Editorial occurred when the Star dropped its support of DRTP. It is that significant a move.
I'll let you read the Editorial for yourself. If you don't get the Star, go out and buy a copy. It is well worth it.
Eddie's arrogance in even suggesting that he might run again after what he told the Star in late December had to be the last straw for them. His error was that he made the Star look ridiculous for supporting him. You decide whether what Henderson wrote in his front-page story was designed to help or hurt the Mayor. I have told you my thoughts about the subject.
What a come-down and so quickly. Clearly, Eddie has lost the support of the people of Windsor. He may also have lost the support of his colleagues no matter what some of them may say publicly. He is truly lame duck now unless he takes to heart what is being said and changes. Unfortunately for him, he has not shown the ability to be able to do that.
The challenge that faces Windsor now is who will be our leader if it is no longer the Mayor and who will help us over these difficult times. Will Councillors finally put aside their differences and a rally behind one of their colleagues or perhaps several of them? It happened exactly this way in the last year of the Hurst mayoralty and there is no reason why it cannot happen again.
Or, will someone from the Community take it upon him/herself to do so?
The challenge that faces Windsor now is who will be our leader if it is no longer the Mayor and who will help us over these difficult times. Will Councillors finally put aside their differences and a rally behind one of their colleagues or perhaps several of them? It happened exactly this way in the last year of the Hurst mayoralty and there is no reason why it cannot happen again.
Or, will someone from the Community take it upon him/herself to do so?
To be direct, I expect that the leadership will come from the group that met with Tony Toldo several weeks ago. If that happens, since these are the people who made this City successful, than we truly have a future to look forward to.
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