Can the E-machine be any more arrogant or was it another miscue, like the arena going to Tecumseh? There is the potential for Eddie to lose thousands of West end votes because of the new problem that has arisen as he has already with the arena fiasco across the City. In fact, mayoral candidate David Wonham may just have to sit back and relax and tell his campaign manager not to bother as mistake after mistake is made. Is the Eminence Grise so confident of victory that he went on vacation instead of minding the re-election store?
How could the E-machine let it happen before the election unless they just do not care what people think any more? Or was it another slip-up that will come back to haunt Eddie over the next several weeks! They must believe that they are all-powerful and invincible. Are they also challenging certain politicians and daring the West enders to vote against Eddie so he can kill their Olde Sandwich Towne Community Planning Study in retaliation? (It’s on the agenda for October 30. Nice timing eh)
It was on CKLW’s website: “Former Ambassador Bridge President, [amazing, he got promoted after he left their employ] Remo Mancini, has been appointed Chair of the Windsor-Essex County Development Commission. Mancini says, while the auto industry is important to the region, economic diversification is key to a healthy future. Among the top priorities of the Board is to find a new C.E.O.”
I went to the City’s website and could not find a press release about it. In fact, I cannot find the press release about the Board of the Commission being set up any more there either. Seems strange not to find anything announcing Remo's appointment. But isn't that the same thing that happened with Norma Coleman's appointment as Eddie's Chief of Staff. Openness and transparency or something no one should know about!
For the West End activists, politicians and conspiracy theorists, they must be in heaven now, saying to each other “I told you so.” The buzz has been out there for a long time that Eddie and the Ambassador Bridge people have been working together so that the Bridge Co. will get what it wants on the border. What could be better proof than this they will be saying. Remo Mancini, the former head guy for the Bridge Co. now working with Eddie for the economic development of Windsor and the County or of…you know who. All of the pieces now fit in together so well they will think.
I can just picture in my mind the thundering hordes of West End Truck Watchers, Tunnellers and Politicos running around the hoped for heritage-designated Olde Sandwich Towne exhorting their friends and neighbours to vote A.B.E. on the 13th of November, Anybody But Eddie!
If that is what the thought process is, then they are wrong. Eddie and the Bridge Co., it would appear, have been at loggerheads for quite some time. Mancini's appointment means something much different.
The obvious manifestation of the animosity was the Schwartz Report, which was a masterful political document not an engineering report in the end. It was cleverly drafted by someone who knew the ins and outs of the border file. It was never designed as a City solution or even a "starting point" but as a diversion for the real Plan. It was designed to focus attention away from what was really intended. Almost everyone in town got what they wanted out of it other than the Bridge Co. when you look at the various proposals Schwartz put forward. The twinned bridge proposal was slammed by Schwartz and the City. So much for helping the Bridge Co.
We learned, in an August 25, 2005 story from the Star, that David Estrin’s border "work plan and budget" showed how he planned:
- “to fight off proposals by the Ambassador Bridge….He told council his hiring of a transportation planner and govern- ment/media relations expert were vital to help council achieve its objectives.
The transportation expert would come up with a traffic bypass plan, he told them, while the media expert was needed to ensure council's position was well presented locally, provincially and federally…
Estrin soon after hired New York traffic expert Sam Schwartz to come up with a bypass plan…
The total to fight DRTP, Ambassador Bridge and the railway lands use bylaw was $1.87 million plus GST, he told council -- bringing the overall proposed sum to $2.2 million.
Coun. Ron Jones, among those who supported hiring Estrin two years ago, said there was no other choice for council at the time given the threats of the nine-point plan, the Ambassador Bridge's proposed ring road through the west end and DRTP's planned truck route through the heart of the city.”
We learned something from Councillor Halberstadt’s Blog the other day, although exactly what is not clear. What “response” to what “enemies:
- “Meanwhile, I am still waiting for a public report, which I orginally requested, on an in camera meeting Council had with border lawyer David Estrin last month.
Council was given a legal opinion by City Solicitor George Wilkki that this matter should remain largely confidential under solicitor-client privilege, since it could compromise the city in its ongoing border disputes with third parties…
Council has authorized a sizeable amount of money to be spent on legal fees in this latest response to the enemies.”
What is it all about?
One can almost see Eddie’s hand behind certain actions that have taken place, given how he normally works and strategizes long-term. Here is a timeline with Star stories to help you see what is going on:
09-27-2004 Mancini resigns bridge post
- Former Ontario cabinet minister Remo Mancini -- the most prominent figure associated with the Ambassador Bridge over the past decade -- has handed in his resignation.
Mancini, 53, said his departure from the bridge after serving over 10 years as vice-president has been in the works for a couple of months. His last day on the job will be Thursday.
"We are doing this in an amicable and orderly fashion," said Mancini of his resignation. "For me, its been a great 10 years with the Ambassador Bridge. I'm looking forward to new challenges. I want to pursue other opportunities."
Mancini said he has rented office space in Walkerville and plans to explore his options, hoping to land something new in an executive or management capacity.
- The former Ontario cabinet minister and long-time area MPP has joined the Watts Energy Board of Advisors, a company which will focus on renewable wind energy with hopes to initiate projects throughout North America.
Mancini's 21 years in public service and 10 years with the bridge company were cited in his addition to the company's board by Douglas Dudley, manager and president of Watts Energy.
"This experience in business and government is a nice combination
07-05-2006 ICD promotes corporate governance
- A nice guest column in the Star and a photo if I recall correctly on Corporate governance education in Canada
Remo Mancini was described as a former Ontario cabinet minister, senior corporate executive and a graduate of the ICD/Rotman program. He sits on both private sector and not-for-profit boards. Can you see what he was not described as!
07-29-2006 Development commission selects board
Interestingly, the Star described Mancini as “Remo Mancini, former Ontario cabinet minister and former senior corporate executive with the Ambassador Bridge” Here is what the City said about him. What is missing:
“Mr. Remo Mancini, Private sector public policy formulation and corporate governance consultant
· Former Ontario Provincial Cabinet Minister and Senior Corporate Executive
· Experience in strategic planning, issues management, corporate development and managing teams of experts including consultants, lawyers, engineers and other professionals
· Active member of United States based National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD); Canadian based Institute of Corporate Directors (ICD) and graduate of the ICD Corporate Governance College Directors Education Program at the Rotman School of Business at the University of Toronto”
08-25-2006 Local economy: The new regional board
Star Editorial that mentioned Remo and this time put in his position: Remo Mancini, former Ontario cabinet minister and former senior corporate executive with the Ambassador Bridge
September, 2006 Windsor-Essex County Development Commission newsetter
Remo was described as a Public Policy Consultant. What was missing
10-02-2006 Bringing the world to our door
Another photo and guest column for Remo Mancini on about local regional economic development.
He was described this way: Remo Mancini ICD.D is a former Ontario Cabinet Minister and senior corporate executive. He sits on both private sector and not- for-profit boards. Guess what is missing again.
10-25-2006 CKLW story:
- Former Ambassador Bridge President, Remo Mancini, has been appointed Chair of the Windsor-Essex County Development Commission.
Don’t you get it…. Remo Mancini is being de-bridged. He is being born again, re-invented. Oh there are the odd slip-ups but as time goes on no one will remember that he used to work for the Bridge Co. It has taken some time but his schooling, 2 Guest Columns and appointment as Chairman of the Board will not hurt him, will build up his credentials as a Director and will help make him a leader in Corporate Governance.
Governance for what you might wonder? Where is this all heading you might ask? Why would Eddie take the chance in promoting Mancini? It was either Chair of the Board of the Commission or Chair of the Board of, say, Roseland Golf and Curling Club once Tom Wilson goes. There must be a reason. And there is in my opinion. I would guess that if you read the Schwartz Report, you will see that the answer is all there laid out in front of you. It's just my guess. Who knows what is really happening until we are allowed to do so.
Isn’t the world bizarre? Mike Hurst went from Mayor of Windsor to DRTP. Remo Mancini went from the Bridge Co. to the Windsor-Essex County Development Commission. Go figure.
- Remo Mancini, the former provincial cabinet minister and Ambassador Bridge executive, has been elected chairman of the board of the new Windsor-Essex County Development Commission.
I guess Chris Vander Doelen didn't get the memo
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