Did you remember that there is a contract in place between between Eddie Francis and the people of the City of Windsor. It was signed with a great flourish during the last campaign. Not only that, Eddie agreed that "I solemnly pledge to enact this plan." As a man of honour, if he has not carried out what he promised, should he be running for Mayor? If one wants to be technical, is he in breach of his contract with the citizens of Windsor?
I prepared a Mayor's Report Card too. In going through my archives over the weekend, I looked at Eddie's speeches in the past campaign and noticed that some interesting projects that were supposed to have been completed during Eddie's term of Council seemed to have disappeared from sight. They got lost in the shuffle somehow. Here is a list of just some of the key items:
- The border--what is our position today now that Schwartz is invisible other than threatening to sue someone
- Citistat and the millions of dollars it was to save us
- Fiscal responsibility with threats of a higher taxes next year or reduced services, huge increase in debt next year that has never been discussed properly, problems at Enwin and at the Tunnel that have been kept "in camera" (except for the huge increase in Councillor salaries to deal with them!)
- The Code of Conduct for elected officials after leaving office introduced in March, 2004. It was deferred to the next Council strategic session but has never been heard of since.
- The report of the consultants hired by the City last summer who were to compile citizens' comments at various meetings held re the border.
- The Border Issues Communications Committee. The committee consisted of Councillors Brister, Gignac, Jones, Postma and Valentinis [I wonder if they are waiting on #5 above too]
- The new family-oriented entertainment attractions downtown
- The influx of businesses to reduce the huge vacancy rate downtown in stores and offices
- Citistat and the millions of dollars it was to save us
- The in depth audits of all City departments to identify inefficiencies and implement sound management principles
- The People Based Budget other than in the first year
- Councillor Portfolios
- A collegial atmosphere amongst Councillors that required the Governor's hubby to intervene
- Citistat and the millions of dollars it was to save us
- The creation of Windsor's "New Image" ("Sin city" never dies it seems)
- Mayor's “Windsor Information Bulletin” for citizens
- The public/private partnership for a new arena, the only realistic strategy available that will ensure that this project will become a reality since teh example of other Ontario cities is that a multipurpose facility cannot be built by public nor the private sector interests acting alone
- Open and accountable government since in 2006 alone so far twenty-nine (29) in camera meeting have taken place in that time with 137 items being considered and many siginificant agreements with third parties are protected by "confidentiality." eg Spitfires deal, Canderel subleases, Keg parking, details of Estrin/Schwartz fees.
- Citistat and the millions of dollars it was to save us
- The Knowledge Industry task force
- Money that must be paid out in MFP and Canderel have become "savings"
- The review of all of the assets throughout the City’s various divisions to determine if there are surplus or underutilized assets and what actions we should take with them
- Saving natural resources like Ojibway with international trucks or Superior Park with an unwanted school.
- The Executive Environmental Team that was to be charged with implementing a seven-point plan for our environment
- The reclamation and relocation of the Zalev recycling plant as a “pilot project” to demonstrate the co-operation among the three levels of Government and private industry
- New style of Government in Windsor---ooooops that is a promise kept all right!
- Citistat and the millions of dollars it was to save us
Oh there is a lot more to review but I thought the list of failures was long enough. Now where is Judge Judy when you really need her!
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