I was reminded of this headline when reading the Star story "Bridge work raises fears." Would you have read a story "Bridge Co. doing what they are legally entitled to do."
I hope that none of the West end activists or politicians hurt themselves as they fell off of the Cabbage truck. Here is what we read in the Star today: the charge in the story and the answer in the story.
Of course you, dear reader, know that this is merely the precursor of a big anti-Bridge Co. story the Star is about to run. We are being softened up for it.
What did we read:
1) The charge:
"West-end community leaders fear land preparation by the Ambassador Bridge is linked to the company's bid to twin its span or resurrect a controversial ring road proposal in the heart of their neighbourhood.
The Answer:
"Bridge company president Dan Stamper said his company is just moving forward with its "well-known plans" to expand its customs plaza."
2) The Charge:
The bridge company has been bulldozing its properties, levelling them off. Gone are several former university dorms and custom broker office buildings it purchased, plus a handful of homes."
The Answer:
"The bridge company has levelled off land up to the back yard fences of homes it owns on Indian Road and has moved dirt against the fence of the Forster secondary school playing field and surrounding McDonald's restaurant.
"They kind of go together and we are moving forward on what we said we would do," Stamper said. "Things are moving along there.
"We've got permits for expanding the plaza so that's what we are doing. We are widening the plaza on the west side of Huron Church, so you are going to see (the land clearing)."
3) The Charge:
"I'm very concerned with what they are doing," said city Coun. Ron Jones. "It's incumbent upon us to be very vigilant and watch them closely."
The Answer:
Jones also said "We have (city inspectors) going in there on a regular basis to ensure our concerns are met.
4) The charge:
"While the bridge company can bulldoze its own properties, city infrastructure such as roads, sewers and other utilities are off-limits, Jones said."
The answer:
Jones also said ""We have (city inspectors) going in there on a regular basis to ensure our concerns are met. I have talked with one inspector who said they have not touched our infrastructure and (are) staying on their property."
5) The charge
West-end activist Mary Ann Cuderman, leader of a truck watchdog group, believes the bridge company work is related to owner Matty Moroun's pursuit of building a "ring road" -- a four-kilometre proposal to create a new bridge access truck route within the west-end Essex Terminal Railway (ETR) corridor.
The Answer:
It is NOT part of their Enhancement project. They operate a bridge. It is up to the governments to figure out how to get the trucks there [MY clarification]
6) The Charge:
"They are buying up properties and letting them deteriorate. Unfortunately, the way some of the neighbourhood is starting to look, it seems like they are getting somewhere."
The answer:
"The bridge company has been bulldozing its properties, levelling them off." [Didn't Councillor Jones recently complain at Council about certain properties and now he is complaining if properties are torn down!]
7) The Charge:
The bridge is approved to add six new Canada Customs truck inspection lanes -- for the first time taking its plaza west of Huron Church Road. But work on that project seems to have spilled over.
The Answer:
The bridge company has levelled off land up to the back yard fences of homes it owns on Indian Road
8) The Charge:
"Jones fears..."
The Answer:
"Transport Canada ...has no fears...we are not concerned about it."
I guess the headline DOG BITES MAN would not have worked either.
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