Believe it or not I have to congratulate Mike Hurst for once! At least he did NOT buy a full-page, full-colour ad in the Star today. He bought a smaller one, perhaps three-quarters of a page. He is at least trying to save money.
However, where is the Board of CP Rail as more shareholder money is being wasted on full-colour DRTP ads (and some radio commercials too I have been told). Where is OMERS who is supposed to protect their contributors and pensioners from waste?
It was a nice artist rendition of what they want to do. But then again their drawings and presentations are always very slick and well-done. I am not sure I can say the same about their proposal however.
You know I should have sent my kids to art school. They would have been fully employed in Windsor with the Schwartz Report drawings of Huron Church as our Champs-Elysées, the DRTP proposal(s), the East End Arena. [Oh, the PCR drawing was by Robert Lewicki. I sent him 2 emails with some questions about his work. He replied once but he has not replied to me on the second one. He probably won't]
There was something odd about the DRTP ad though. I threw out their other glossy brochures so I could not compare what was drawn before. (More money down the drain for pensioners and shareholders).
So the contest----what appears to be strange about the DRTP ad in the Star today. What are the consequences if you are right
A reader writes:
Could I interpret that to mean "Save Job"?
A reader writes:
"there are no smoke stacks on the trucks. they must be hygrogen powered!!!!!!"
A reader writes:
there appears to be a large vent building in the background (but everyone looks very happy)
A reader writes
All the trucks shown in the picture are headed the same direction... I didn't know it was a one-way tunnel proposal now.
A reader writes:
Could it be that the proposal calls for a two-lane tunnel, but in the picture in the ad, they show two lanes of trucks moving in one direction, hence giving the viewer the impression that it will be a 4 lane tunnel?
A reader writes:
Trucks are going side by side in this rendering but earlier renderings show that there was single lane usage going to and from the tunnel. Based on this rendering, the tunnel is being used for entry from one country to another, only....
or, the one trucker overloaded on Geritol and is driving in the wrong lane.
A previous reader writes again re consequences:
1) a big accident....trucks may be coming the other way
2) trade goes one way...
3) many other artists may paint in dyslexic ways too
4) this could hang in the South Windsor Art Gallery and we have to look at it everyday
5) Costly
6) trucks run thru the city and you and Dave Brister have to sit in the same room again
7) tunneling equipment is suddenly in demand
A reader writes:
it seemed obvious....and that would kill the DRTP
proposal....someone should let Mike Hurst know they
need to proof-view any graphics for his firm.
A reader writes:
With the tunnel proposal...
Who will be responsible for the misplaced groundhogs?
Municipal, Provincial or Federal?
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