The Mayor and Council should demand that Councillor Joyce Zuk immediately apologize to residents of Windsor after her comments in the Star today.
Who is going to cross the finishing line first in the great Superior Park Race? Will it be the the Conseil Scolaire de District du Centre-Sud-Ouest who now feel "the board was misled by city officials," unnamed and anonymous "City officials who told the board Superior Park has been for sale since 1995, Councillor Joyce Zuk who "continues to support the sale," or the "West Windsor neighbourhood...outraged at possibly losing Superior Park."
I did not dare use the expression "French" Board like the Star did today for fear that Councillor Zuk might call me a rascist too! It's a good thing that Joyce decided not to run for office this time around. She wouldn't make it after the absurd comment she made "The people complaining are a bunch of racists. After I heard about the racist comments, there is no way I'm going to tolerate that."
I might respect her and her comment if she had actually attended the meeting. She, as the Ward Councillor, should have been there. At least Councillor Budget was there even though he introduced the motion that caused the problem in the first place. But she only "heard" the remarks. I wonder if it was second or third or fourth or fifth-hand and from whom?
And what shall we call the game that Joyce is playing now? A reasoned approach to solving a problem?
One of the reasons I heard that Joyce is not running for Council this time around is so that she can position herself if she decides to run provincially or federally. Obviously, there would be a concern that if she lost municipally, as she might well have, her chances for a Senior Level seat would be diminished.
She need not worry. Her absurd statement will linger for a long time, killing any chance she will ever have to be elected for anything!
And just in passing, don't you think a whole bunch of people ought to be fired for not acting promptly so that taxpayers are prejudiced. It is crazy what is going on and how taxpayers are being abused.
We learned that Conseil Scolaire de District du Centre-Sud-Ouest "got $15 million four years ago from the province to build a high school in Windsor." FOUR YEARS AGO!!!! And where do you think that costs have gone since that time----UP.
So how much more than the $15M will be needed now? Who knows what the 20 plus year arena saga will cost us. We know the 6 year bus terminal extravaganza cost us an extra 35%.
The next public meeting to discuss the park is scheduled for October 17. Of course, that meeting is now illegal since it is past the 30 days that Council gave for this matter to be brought back to them. Administration has no right to be holding it. It now has to be a matter for the new Council. Administration has to wait for them to be elected for instructions. This matter is now functus officio. [Look that up in your dictionary]
I like Trustee Francois Gratton. He has real style. He learned his "arena" lesson well. "If there is nothing in Windsor, LaSalle has land close to Windsor," Gratton said." Make Councillors macho again. No way are we losing another project to the County!
Macho and race...a sure way to try to win a vote!
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