Some quick reactions.
Good to know that Dwight is acting and has forwarded my response for an OMB inquiry on the East end arena to the Minister of Municipal Affairs. (see email below) As for my MPP Sandra, I have had 2 conversations with her office and was advised that she too has forwarded my materials to Toronto. Small steps true, but I have also been advised by another inside source that the Ministry is taking my Report very seriously and is reviewing it in detail!
Speaking of Sandra, did you notice the attempt at making up in Gord's column:
Good to know that Dwight is acting and has forwarded my response for an OMB inquiry on the East end arena to the Minister of Municipal Affairs. (see email below) As for my MPP Sandra, I have had 2 conversations with her office and was advised that she too has forwarded my materials to Toronto. Small steps true, but I have also been advised by another inside source that the Ministry is taking my Report very seriously and is reviewing it in detail!
Speaking of Sandra, did you notice the attempt at making up in Gord's column:
- "Considering the bludgeoning Pupatello has taken recently from critics, including yours truly, it will be one sweet "gotcha" moment for her when the formal announcement is made."
Amongst the gushing of praise for Eddie and his brilliance for getting thousands and thousands and thousands (it's Wednesday so hasn't the number of jobs increased dramatically overnight again?) of new jobs for Joe Mikhail's building was this key line:
"When the deal was not there he kept them at the table and brought in Sandra."
Eddie, it seems could not get the deal done so he had to bring in the clean-up hitter to hit the grand-slam home run! Gee, do you think that having a Minister of the Crown there had an influence on the outcome? Do you really think that Sandra played a secondary role "with help from Economic Development Minister Sandra Pupatello."
What won it was simple:
"When the deal was not there he kept them at the table and brought in Sandra."
Eddie, it seems could not get the deal done so he had to bring in the clean-up hitter to hit the grand-slam home run! Gee, do you think that having a Minister of the Crown there had an influence on the outcome? Do you really think that Sandra played a secondary role "with help from Economic Development Minister Sandra Pupatello."
What won it was simple:
- "The agreement, which includes provincial funding for training initiatives...What matters right now is the training fund the Windsor West MPP is tapping into..."
Eddie's Eminence Grise, given his/her connections in Toronto, must have been dying every time that another Henderson slam was picked up by the NDP for House questioning. He/she recognized, as unfortunately our snubbing Mayor does not, that a municipal government needs Senior Level friends in high places. Just look again at the remarks I posted from the Mayor of London to see how a successful City works with their MPPs.
Windsor is fortunate that Sandra had the sense to overlook the ridiculous campaign to smear her and Dwight and look out for the best interests of Windsor. Obviously she needs the jobs for her Ward too but can you imagine if she declined to help and the story leaked out that Eddie lost the thousands of jobs to Mexico! She could have made political capital out of Eddie's failure and cost Eddie his job right before the election. She refused to be petulant and play childish games.
That's the story about the jobs and how they were won. Eddie's brilliance---hardly!
What it shows you in the end, loud and clear, is the powerlessness of the Windsor Mayor. And why we need to be friends with the Senior Levels. If you are not scared now, wait unitl after the municipal election and see what happens
Dear Mr. Arditti:
Thank you for your letter of October 18, 2006 expressing your concerns with the new arena.
Please be assured that Mr. Duncan will write to the Honourable John Gerretsen, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing detailing your concerns you express with the city of Windsor resolution concerning the arena complex . Mr. Duncan will be pleased to forward Minister Gerretsen's response immediately upon receipt.
Once again thank you for taking the time to bring this matter to Mr. Duncan's attention.
Constituency Assistant
Hon. Dwight Duncan, MPP
Windsor-St. Clair
Windsor is fortunate that Sandra had the sense to overlook the ridiculous campaign to smear her and Dwight and look out for the best interests of Windsor. Obviously she needs the jobs for her Ward too but can you imagine if she declined to help and the story leaked out that Eddie lost the thousands of jobs to Mexico! She could have made political capital out of Eddie's failure and cost Eddie his job right before the election. She refused to be petulant and play childish games.
That's the story about the jobs and how they were won. Eddie's brilliance---hardly!
What it shows you in the end, loud and clear, is the powerlessness of the Windsor Mayor. And why we need to be friends with the Senior Levels. If you are not scared now, wait unitl after the municipal election and see what happens
Dear Mr. Arditti:
Thank you for your letter of October 18, 2006 expressing your concerns with the new arena.
Please be assured that Mr. Duncan will write to the Honourable John Gerretsen, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing detailing your concerns you express with the city of Windsor resolution concerning the arena complex . Mr. Duncan will be pleased to forward Minister Gerretsen's response immediately upon receipt.
Once again thank you for taking the time to bring this matter to Mr. Duncan's attention.
Constituency Assistant
Hon. Dwight Duncan, MPP
Windsor-St. Clair
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